We are still going - just staying somewhere they offer the test on property and offer the free two weeks if we test positive.
Take it from someone who just spent 2 weeks in Coz in December. You are going to feel far safer there than in the US and your chances of contracting Covid if you practice best practices to avoid contracting it are so low that it should not present any concern. That is precisely what my Dr. told me when I visited him 2 weeks prior to our departure for my annual physical and told him we were traveling to Coz.
He told us to wear masks, wash hands frequently, sanitize hands every time we walked past a sanitizer dispenser (they are absolutely everywhere on Coz), try to remember not to touch your face and practice social distancing when possible. It's not that taking any one of these measures by itself eliminates risk but when all are combined it mitigates risk to a level that one shouldn't be fearful of going about their life and their planned travel.
My Dr. told me he still travels abroad and he's is in his mid 60's. He's also a bit overweight and on blood pressure meds and a statin for cholesterol. No, he's not some hack but the most Sr. doctor at his branch of Sentara Healthcare. Sentara resides among the best medical providers on the east coast. It's heart hospital even rivals the Cleveland Clinic. I chose to take his advice over those who are frozen in fear and of the opinion that the world must cease functioning until the last case of Covid has been treated and eliminated.
If you want to reduce your risk even further, go on Ebay and purchase a 10 pack of the 3M N95 Vented 8511 series masks. The key that everyone seems to miss about mask wearing is the masks 99% of people are wearing are supposedly to protect others once infected as they do virtually nothing to prevent the wearer from becoming infected in the 1st place. That is putting the cart before the horse. You can get a 10 pack today for $30 from Prosafety through Ebay that has been supplying the contracting industry with hazmat gear for years (myself included).
As these masks are vented you'll need to wear one of those cheap disposable common paper medical masks over them that everyone else wears to remain in compliance with the no vented mask requirement on the planes. Don't listen to anyone who says consuming these masks is taking supply away from 1st responders as they are not permitted to wear vented masks in medical environments.
We wore these N95 masks in the airports, on the planes, and whenever in a supermarket on Coz. We wore basic masks everywhere else when in close proximity to others. For those who say we are selfish and could have been spreading Covid everywhere by wearing these vented masks, a simple piece of tape placed over the valve on the inside of the mask per 3M's direction turns it into a mask that is as effective at protecting others as the common non-vented N95's they produce. In fact, to even get the cool vent valve to open on an exhale you'd have to be breathing very hard due to exercising and the like.
Ebay link:
3M 8511 N95 Particulate Respirator W/Exhalation Valve 10 Masks/Box, EXP. 12/2025 | eBay