We're doing a lot of shore dives and approaching two hours underwater - dry mouth is a little problem and I was attracted to an Apollo ad in Diver Training Magazine. It claims to cure dry mouth, fatigue and headaches.KZMAN once bubbled...
I just returned from diving So. Fla. and had really bad cotton mouth, especially with multiple dives. I stayed plenty hydrated, but at times it really distracted my enjoyment. Since my return, I decided to purchase an Apollo prestige ex-2000, (a-107b).
See http://www.apollosportsusa.com/products-regcomp.html#moisture
"MMTB" (more money than brains)? Searching for humidity yielded this thread. Kewl. So, some questions...
First, is there a NEED to filter tank air and, if so, from what (to establish how effective the filter should be)?
Next, as long as a person is properly hydrated, which we usually are, isn't exposure to a little dry air good for us?
Finally, I got headaches when I started diving agian after years off, but I've apparently adapted and they're gone. Drymouth is just a little problem - not worth money or the filter hassle. Post dive fatigue is something I'd like to "cure" however, and a couple hundred bucks is certainly worth it IMO. But can the hydration/filter actually deliver "significantly"... does anybody have experience with it?
Perhaps this should be another thread and, if so, feel free to start one. Thanks in advance!