Costa Rica 2/07 Diving Pics

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Back from Costa Rica. As always it was an amazing time. I haven't written a trip report yet but I will and I will add it to this thread. For now though, I wanted to share some pics. The following are from DIVE ONE only :) Not too shabby for a first dive, eh? Actually, these are not even all of them. A couple of fish we ran into:















Man, I love Costa Rica. I'm getting a sudden craving for huevos & gallo pinto :D

Nice pics, Tracy and John. Sounds like you had a blast. Thanks for sharing. So, what sites did you end up diving ?
I love the photos! Looking forward to the trip report too.
Man, I love Costa Rica. I'm getting a sudden craving for huevos & gallo pinto :D

Nice pics, Tracy and John. Sounds like you had a blast. Thanks for sharing. So, what sites did you end up diving ?

I'm craving an Imperial!:)

17dives in total.
Monkey Head, Virdor (turning point). 2 trips to the Catalina Islands (The Point, The Wall, The Widow)
Argentina Point (night dive)
Fat Point (I think my fav)
Key Largo
The Meadows (night dive)

Trip report will least a report on one of the dives....

Highlight was this turtle that came right to me. He just swam over and paused right in front of me, ok take the shot! I had no clue how curious they can be. Pure luck I had the camera ready and in the right settings...not even zoomed, so you can imagine how close he was.:wink:

Man, I love Costa Rica. I'm getting a sudden craving for huevos & gallo pinto :D

Nice pics, Tracy and John. Sounds like you had a blast. Thanks for sharing. So, what sites did you end up diving ?

Ha, sitting down now to write the report and add it to the first post. Rick, we found the most amazing restaurant, Pescado Locale. OMG, it was soooo good. Two ladies, I think they were the bartender's mum's, serving up food in the back. They would sit out in the dining area, once you placed an order they would hop up and head to the kitchen, returning with the best food I have ever had in CR. Clearly, we had to go a few times to this place. Odd thing, I had been to this place before but just for drinks. Have no idea why I never ordered food.

The first time we ate there we sat in the dining area which is open to the outside - reminded me of sitting on someone's front porch - nice and friendly. A homey kind of place. One of the mum's had her youngest there - guess he was about 4. He was having a good time. Cute kid with fat cheeks and a big smile. One of the bartender's allowed me to babysit his puppy for an hour or so while he helped out at the bar - this caused the boy to come over to the table frequently. John and I were looking through our pics of the day - shared some with kid - he'd just smile or look in amazement. No words necessary - what a great day :)
Those pics are great....was that the big school of grunts off Meros(in front of 4 Seasons)?

The dive site that almost everyone understands as The Meadows is actually called Meros. Remember....roll R's
Looks like you and Johnny had a great trip, Tracy. I don't remember if you all met my Costa Rican housemate, Iris, when you were out here. She keeps telling me I have to go there. I agree, but my bank account doesn't!
Looks like you and Johnny had a great trip, Tracy. I don't remember if you all met my Costa Rican housemate, Iris, when you were out here. She keeps telling me I have to go there. I agree, but my bank account doesn't!

River Monkey, none of those pics are from the Meros - and thank you for the correction. :) The only dive we did there was a night dive, our last dive, so it will be a while before I get to those pics.

DRBill, no we didn't meet her but you did mention her. She is right, somehow you must get there.

Sadly, I have been so busy since returning I have yet to get more pics posted. I did the Key Largo this past weekend and right now I have workers all over my house. Busy, busy.

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