Cost of rebreather?

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Washington , puyallup
I know rebreathers are expensive but cant find any hard number on how much one costs. How much does the average rebreather cost? About how much would a specialty course cost to learn about them?
Which one is that? There are huge differences in operating modes. But here a few numbers that ought to be close:
Ray SCR about $1700, Dolphin around $3500, Azimuth in the neighborhood of $4500. All are CMF-SCRs, without badly needed O2 monitor.
The RB80 RMV-keyed SCR is somewhere around $8000, I believe, but incomplete at that price.
The KISS mCCR is about $4500 without bcd. Some assembly required.
The available eCCRs (Inspiration, Prism, Megalodon) are between 7 and 8 grand, but complete.
Most expensive are MKx and Cis-Lunars, which used can reach twice those prices.
Training costs are from about $350 for CMF-SCRs to over $1200 for eCCRs.
Consumables & unit rental may or may not be included, depending on the instructor. All require at least basic Nitrox.
Gas costs are usually less as rebreathers are gas extenders. When using trimix/heliox, those savings can be significant, an eCCR might well pay off finacially. You need to buy absorbant, and sensors.
Maintainance cost are a bit higher, too.

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