Cosat Rica Diving

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Scuba Instructor
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Indian Trail, North Carolina
7 days in COSTA RICA!!! August 5-12. We're leaving from Charlotte, NC. Roundtrip airfare (US AIRWAYS) to Liberia. Ground transfers to Flamingo BEach Resort for 5 days of 2 tank boat dives. 3 meals daily. "Canopy tour" on Friday (Surface interval). All inclusive price $1850.00 diver/$1525 non-diver. Contact Hal 704-684-0284 or
7 days in COSTA RICA!!! August 5-12. We're leaving from Charlotte, NC. Roundtrip airfare (US AIRWAYS) to Liberia. Ground transfers to Flamingo BEach Resort for 5 days of 2 tank boat dives. 3 meals daily. "Canopy tour" on Friday (Surface interval). All inclusive price $1850.00 diver/$1525 non-diver. Contact Hal 704-684-0284 or

Canopy Tour - I hope noone in your group is afraid of heights. Rios Tropicales is a great outfit to do that with, hopefully that is who you are booked with. Bookings from Swiss Travel go to them.
If you want to see a great variety of marine animals the best place is in Costa Rica
I have some pictures



nice shots..too bad no strobe on the turtle with the remoras..I have a group going to costa rica in April..33 divers booked thru padi travel ..those that may want details look up captain mikes diving services in NY and look at travel on web site..
I just moved back to the US from Costa Rica, living right down the street from the Flamingo Resort. (did my "step-salsation" there with my buddies)

I have some lovely suggestions for dinner and sites. I'm sure you have already booked with your company..although I have some advice on that having dived with most of them.

The Catalinas are a lovely dive spot, easily accessable. In August you will be very likely to experience the beginning migration of the humpback whales. As you are breathing hold your breath for a second to eliminate your noise and you will hear them singing. It is magical. Schools of various rays are also extremely common at the Catalinas with large groups of cow noes rays topping 200 + speeding by! The mantas don't usually start popping up until closer to December but you never know.

I saw the largest scorpion fish I have ever seen there, HUGE! The morays are pretty plentiful as well. The channel at Catalina Grande is your white tip spot and Dos Sombreros is like a fairy land.

Have a great time and if you guys ever need a cheap tour guide give drop me a note! My fins are drying out and my gills seem to have converted back to boring lungs.

loved the pictures

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