Corrective Lenses

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Get yourself a Mares ESA mask, with distant prescription in the main lenses and plain glass in the lower windows.
Works like a champ.
I would recomend one day throw away contacts. One eye for distance, one for up close. Works well for me at about $1.00 per day. They are comfortable, and I can see when on the surface with my mask off to look for the boat. You also don't have a $250.00 lense in a dive mask for someone to drop a weight belt on by accident. when you are throught for th day you throw them away and don't have to worry about disinfecting them.

Disavantage, trying to put on contacts in high swell on a boat can be a bear. I have not had any problems, but a friend of mine did and then went to the prescription lense.
I made the New Years Eve dive off Delray Beach, FL (near the Copenhagen wreck). I had installed a -2.5 diopter in the right side of the mask and kept the -1.5 in the left. I also used the bifocal magnifiers in both lenses. The -2.5 worked great and I couldn't really tell the difference under water except that things were clearer at a distance (since this was a night dive, I'll have to check out this in the daytime). I found that the bifocal magnifiers work very well, but you can only see through one of them at a time. I'll remove one of them and keep it in my kit for a spare. or let my wife use it. So, my least expensive solution seems to have works. Thanks for all of the advise.
I've been using various incarnations of SeaVision for the past 4 years. The first time the I had the bifocals done with a script I had that was already a couple of years old, but it was ok. I also elected to have the colour-correcting lenses.

Last year my script changed & so I decided I may as well change my mask too. This time I went with clear lenses because I really didn't care for the colour correction. Again, these were done by SeaVision.

Both times the lenses were well-ground and fit their mask perfectly. Of course the main thing is those itty-bitty letters on the IDC Marking Slates are now in focus! ;)


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