Wow.....what a DB
.......We went down there to hang out, and loved it so much that we bought 2 acres of land for 20,000 USD. The land is CHEAP......
OK, so I will just camp on your two acres if it is close enough to the ocean. Thank for the "offer"
.......I'll bet the plane is still parked by the side of the road.......
Well, if it is still there, I just found a way top finance my trip. All I have to do is sell the plane fopr scrap metal once the market recovers and I will have more than enough. Thanks for the tip
BTW....sounds like quite the story.....did everybody end up safe? I know obviously that you did but a wing getting torn off sounds pretty bad.
I spent a week at Casa Iguana with my girlfriend a couple years back. We absolutely loved it and the diving was very good. I would definitely warn that it is rustic, but that somehow made it more enjoyable. I know it may be hard to believe, but AC was totally unnecessary at Case Iguana because it was on the windward side. The hotel with AC is on the Leeward side and it was brutal over there. Definitely more pleasant at Case Iguana.
As for getting there, it wasn't terrible. You take a flight (the plane is somewhat...scary) from Managua to Blue Fields and then it continues to Big Corn. From Big Corn, you take a boat. There were some serious swells, but I don't get seasick and I rather enjoyed it. Anyhow, if you are interested in it, I would recommend it. It was beautiful and is refreshingly underdeveloped. Some very good food too (though not as much at Casa Iguana).
Thanks for the input. I guess I will have to see how rustic I am allowed to book . It sounds great to me as long as there is a good breeze and the water/diving is great.