Coral Street 8/20 -very brief report

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Reaction score
santa clara, california
# of dives
200 - 499
1st time diving this site

Entry easy with wide interval sets of knee high surf. Could surface swim around and thru kelp about 40 yards before it got too thick and started dive there in about 20fsw and had about 8-10ft viz. Depth increased to 30-35fsw after a surprisingly short distance (site appears shallow for a long ways out looking from the surface) and viz opened up to a very nice 20-25ft. Lot's of rocky outcroppings to navigate around or over. Fish were not as abundant but did have several harbor seal sightings during my 2 dives and on 1 occasion a seal gave my fin a tug and let me scratch him under the chin with my fin edge. :) Noticed a few dead egg-yolk jellies here and there. Temp I would estimate of 53F

The topography at this site isn't straightforward and I became disoriented on more than 1 occasion. Without the compass I would have been in trouble. At end of 2nd dive I caught myself heading the wrong way and ended up having to end my dive farther from shore than planned and without enough of an air reserve to swim back under the kelp. Had to kelp crawl a long way which is never fun but it was particularly bad this time as the kelp was very thick in some spots.:(
Sounds like you dove it at high tide, glad you had a good time. I drove by it this weekend and conditions looked great. The entry and exit can be quite difficult at low tide and it is pretty exposed if there is a strong NW swell but when conditions are good it's a fantastic dive site.

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