Contributer badge is text now

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Contributor is a post count level. Here are the levels:

Registered 0
Frequent Poster 50
ScubaBoard Contributor 500
ScubaBoard Enthusiast 1000
ScubaBoard Veteran 5000

Supporter, Sponsor and Business Sponsor are levels for members who financially support the board.
That's what threw us off. Without the second badge, his Contributor post count level was showing on this new board version. I knew that did not sound the same as Sponsor, but wasn't clear - and when he checked his Group members, it showed him listed as a Supporter if I understood correctly in PMs prior to this thread?

Glad it's fixed - thanks!
I donated but I'm not seeing any changes - any help?
It depends on how you donated? To the legal defense fund? Is that still open? If you did, you can select Defender badge under Permission Groups on your UserCP.

If you are talking about paying Supporting member dues, you can select that there as well.

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