To answer Diveanytime about what fluid to use, you can by the one listed in the Conshelf manual, or use a food safe silicon. I used an aerosol from CRC that is used in food service.
Make sure that all your adjustments are complete before proceeding.
I sprayed some into a paper funnel cup (the ones on the side of water coolers), so that the aerosol could collect in the bottom. You won't need alot, only 1 or 2 oz's.
Make sure that you pressurize the 1st stage first, (Don't ask how I know that...) then pour the liquid in the chamber and finish by screwing the seal and retainer ring down.
When you relieve the pressure the environmental seal will suck back in a little, and leave a dimple.
I have used mine in some real nasty places without any adverse effects.