Joel & Randy:
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I have never won anything in my life! Truly, you are great vendor, patient teachers, and thoughtful friends. You set a standard and make the dive community a better place.
To all my SB fandamily: I will donate my new spiffy reg to you in an OOA drill 8 days a week! So, (looking at it metaphorically) WE ALL WON!
Christian, I have Atomic 1sts and 2nds for my doubles. Going to hafta figure out how to put this spiffy-cool-tech reg into the setup and not violate Rule 6.
Missy, Kev, 'dette and my beloved team mates-this is the reg I am donating to you! :blinking:
Ken, coming to you for guidance and gear configuration (a clever ruse) Because, I LOVE YOU MAN!:jump013: