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your scubaguy62 :07:
Bro, please use your whole screen name, no abreviations or shortened names, please. Scubaguy62 is MY screen name and I don't need any confussion. Thanks!!!

p.s. mods, any thoughts?
Hey Kwissie! (long way rom home...lucky girl !)

His name is Scott Bull, with CANDIVE scuba (he worked through Travel Sports at one time)
Awesome instructor...can project feeling of calm and safety, underwater from 10 feet away.
Ring any bells?
Oh and you do know that a Toby trip is now manditory, right????

Well, we were talking about Kingston...have heard various reports about the visibility in Tobermory being less than ideal.

(of course, my first 2 OW were under the Sarnia Bridge with 6 ft viz, so who knows ;) maybe what's poor there will seem outstanding in comparison)

Hey! Any other suggestions for good spots within a 6-8 hour drive? :06: I'd really like to get some time under my belt (no pun intended) before we head south in the winter.


Bro, please use your whole screen name, no abreviations or shortened names, please. Scubaguy62 is MY screen name and I don't need any confussion. Thanks!!!

p.s. mods, any thoughts?

Geez, this thread was started simply because I completed my OW yesterday and he wanted congratulate me.

I know for a fact that there was no intent to confuse other members...nor offend you personally. (and your post is hardly germaine to this thread, regardless) Still, I have chosen to reply within this thread (which will spoil the spirit of the post), since this is where you thought it appropriate to bring attention to your concern. (I'm new here, but would you not have preferred to PM or IM, or just speak directly with a moderator?)...or perhaps at least prefaced your "suggestion", with a "good on ya for getting your ticket, girl!" :angel_smi

No offense,. :god: as you can see, I am somewhat protective myself. Just not of names. ;)

Don't know that name... but there are so many great instructors in the London area. I never did get the chance to go to Kingston, but I hear it's great. The Wexford (out of Grand Bend?) is supposed to be fantastic and Terry Kovacevic who runs the ScubaQuest charters is the best guy ever. He was my instructor and a former co-worker and I cannot say enough great things about him.

If you ever head out to BC, you will have to partake in a dive or two... it's sooooo different than Ontario. Fish come in other colours than brown and green!!!
Geez, this thread was started simply because I completed my OW yesterday and he wanted congratulate me.

I know for a fact that there was no intent to confuse other members...nor offend you personally. (and your post is hardly germaine to this thread, regardless) Still, I have chosen to reply within this thread (which will spoil the spirit of the post), since this is where you thought it appropriate to bring attention to your concern. (I'm new here, but would you not have preferred to PM or IM, or just speak directly with a moderator?)...or perhaps at least prefaced your "suggestion", with a "good on ya for getting your ticket, girl!" :angel_smi

No offense,. :god: as you can see, I am somewhat protective myself. Just not of names. ;)

Cathy, you're right. My congratulations on your OW; I did lose sight of what the thread was about, but please understand that my screen name is not only my screen name, but also my identity on scubaboard (as it is of every member), especially to those members who know me only from my posts. Scubaguy1962 is enough like Scubaguy62 that, if the name was copyrighted, it would be a violation of the copyright laws, so I trust you, being the protective person you are, understand my concern. Oh, and by the way, I did send a PM to scubaguy1962 prior to my post.

Once again, congrats and always,

Safe ascents
Congratulations on your OW cert. and welcome to the board. To both of you, actually. This is a great place to learn more about diving, find buddies, and meet some great people.

Re: Scubaguy62 - he's a very active, prominent member of the board, and I had the same thought that he did when I saw your significant other's first post. I'm sure that the moderators are thinking about it right now and trying to decide how to address it.

See, the issue here is that Scubaboard is a pretty friendly place, where most of us try to play well together. We don't have or usually need a lot of rules other than the general guideline that we should behave like the people we'd like to be. That's why you don't see many long flame threads here. There are plenty of other boards that allow that sort of thing, and some people prefer them to this one.

It might be easy to take his post the wrong way, but knowing Rick, I'm sure that he just wanted to clarify a potential problem very early on. As to his post's appropriateness in this forum, well - I don't think it was out of line here, as we often address basic issues revolving around board use and conduct in threads here.

I hope to see both of you on the board often and for a long time into the future. If you're ever in South Florida or North Carolina, look me up, and you'll have a ready-made dive buddy.

Best wishes and safe ascents,
Sometimes the minutia of life overwhelms the reality of's hard to believe that a simple slip of the keyboard could cause so much consternation yet to those adversely affected I'm sure it seems like a reasonable course of thought....even though it is obvious to most that my profile name is scubaguy1962 with an entirely different avatar than scubaguy62 (my old msn name) I seemed to have slipped up on one post and signed the post scubaguy62....not my name on here but just about everywhere th PM sent to me by scubaguy62 was fairly innocuous and I really didn't catch the mistake until I saw some of the posts revolving around fact it was just a slip of the keyboard...or some misfiring brain cells....the bottom line is....I made a small typo which seems to be causing a member of the board some discomfort....for that I apologize....I shall endeavour to refrain from signing any future posts with my msn title as I don't really use it much scubaguy62 has made his point...there was a typo....I think we can all move past it...or at least I hope we can...and if in order to placate everyone the post needs to be be it....and let the thread continue to be a way of me being proud of my partners accomplishment and opening up some good dialogue between her (a new member like me) and some of those who will have "interesting" and meaningful insights into diving...ciao....scubaguy1962 ;)
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