jim T.
I'll be doing my first pony bottle dives /drills next week. I'll be looking forward to responses to reefraf's post. One question I have about shutting off the pony valve after charging and then breathing off of the reg before/as I turn the valve back on...
When diving, say to 130fsw,is it best to exhale through the reg rather than purging it in an OOA/catastrophic failure to avoid using any more bail out air than necessary via purging? (assuming I'd taken a breath from my backgas prior to a failure). Also what techniques are used to avoid accidental purging of a pony reg while diving if the hose is charged? Are there reg covers available, etc.?
When diving, say to 130fsw,is it best to exhale through the reg rather than purging it in an OOA/catastrophic failure to avoid using any more bail out air than necessary via purging? (assuming I'd taken a breath from my backgas prior to a failure). Also what techniques are used to avoid accidental purging of a pony reg while diving if the hose is charged? Are there reg covers available, etc.?