Conditions at Monastery

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Torrance, CA
# of dives
2500 - 4999



Predictions call for it to pick up a little tomorrow, then flatten out for the weekend. Merry and I will be hitting it early tomorrow morning. If it sucks, we'll be at the BW.
Wow! Those are beautiful conditions! I'm looking forward to your dive report!
Hope it's as calm as this on Saturday. If so, you can find me and my buddies at South Monastery :)
I'll dig up this thread again. Dove at North Monastery yesterday and conditions were awesome. Ocean was flat, pretty much the same as MaxBottomtime's pics. Waves were no more than 1 ft. Current forecast says it should hold up till about Wednesday.

It was overcast in the morning and my buddy and I arrived around 10. There was one other car who had divers in the water and another buddy pair arrived while we were gearing up. We got in, swam around the kelp and dropped down about 30 yards off the washrock, at the sand/rock interface.

We made it down to 121ft, came back up over the rocks and around the washrock. We swam in and through the kelp forest and then followed the sand ripples back to the shore where we entered. Visibility was probably around 40 feet, maybe 50. My computer said the water was 50° F. We warmed up for a while, ate snacks and then went back for a second shallower dive with the same water conditions. As the water stays pretty calm, I bet it would make for some even better vis around Tuesday or Wednesday.

We saw a huge wolf eel (bigger than the ones at Cal Academy of Sciences) and a bunch of salp chains, a tethys vagina and lots of juvenile rockfish as well.
Drove by Monastery today on my way to Lobos. Monastery, like Lobos, was like a lake. Hardly a ripple. At Lobos, even at the end of our 2nd dive at mid afternoon, the cove was like a placid lake. I headed to Lobos at 9:15AM from Carmel River Beach, where three other buddies and I did a very early hunting dive that was sensational. Carmel River Beach was not only calm but also beautiful beyond description, above and below the water, at 7:00AM when we entered. It's ~20' deep almost right after you enter, and you could see crystal clear to the bottom all the way out.

These are fine days for diving Carmel and Monterey.

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