Conchs, beach roamers, and all the rest of ya'll - lend me your ears!

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So you finally made the big decision, glad you did after what seems like months/years of psyching yourself up and finding ways to do it. Good luck to you both.
CONGRATS!!!! Maneater and I are also starting home businesses. I am opening a dive shop next week, and we are starting a real estate investment business this year as well. (Still playing with financing on that one!) My fav will be the dive shop which will be the first of it's kind that I am aware of. More on that later. Then all dive trips are a write-off and so is the equipment we purchase! Until all this kicks off, I am still stuck in corporate America as well. Security Officer at the third largest insurance company in Fl, funny enough,... that has most of its holdings in Hurricane Alley Florida!
Good luck Colin. Sorry that your corporate experience wasn't better but it is good to cut the losses and get out if you have too.

So far things are good. I'm getting a LOT of calls from people as word spreads around. Mostly they are happy I am free to be able to pursue the business and available for them if needed. Already have a few jobs under my belt since walking out of Corp for good on Thrusday and hope the trend continues... I'm loving the phone vibrating away on my hip!

In all seriousness though, I feel good and very comfident in what I am doing. The positivity in this thread helps reinforce that I have made the right decision and I can't thank ya'll enough for the support and positive comments. Keep an eye on my sig line for little changes that'll indicate how things are going. :D
Working for yourself is like winning a small lottery... it doesn't matter how much freedom you have, the fact is, you HAVE it! Holly says congrats on the businesses as well. I hope to see you guys at Halloween.
Don't look back!!! We bought a towing business 13 months ago. I threatened my boss one too many times with,"If i was running this company", or, "you should be running it this way....". Finally he sold it to me. The first year is VERY hard. Just remember the bottom line, It's all yours!!! After a hard day, dealing with a million things,(employees,customers,bills e.t.c.) I still don't have some jerk telling me the wrong way to run MY COMPANY!!! It's so liberating, I'm excited for you, Good luck!!!!!

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