Concerns about moderating policies

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I have been and continue to be involved in moderator-like roles on many web sites, some quite large. I have also (informally) studied the sociology and psychology of computer-mediated communications.

A conclusion I have reached, over 25 years of doing this, is that users that are subject to lengthy bans (anything over a week) do not return as productive contributors. They do one of three things:
  1. Most commonly, they leave the site altogether.
  2. They return under a different identity and try to adopt another persona to avoid detection.
  3. They return, but are angry about what they perceive as unfair treatment, both for the ban itself and the real or imagined "short leash" or "double standards" they are kept on. Typically this ends in another ban.
In this light it is unsurprising that DD was banned again. I would have been very surprised had he not.

He made many valuable and insightful contributions, and I will miss those.
I had a very interesting discussion with a new sidemount student just the other evening. It was the first time I had met the gentleman, he was VERY, VERY well-prepared, and had obviously done a lot of background reading and viewing. I asked him what resources he had used. And, during our discussion I happened to mention, 'And, there is a lot of good information on ScubaBoard as well.' His reply was telling, 'Yeah, there's useful information, but I tend to avoid ScubaBoard because I have to wade through all the bickering, and drama, and insults just to get to anything good.' He made the comment not knowing I am a SB mod, so I took his response as 'real'. And, that is the unfortunate truth, for more than a few divers. They are simply put off by name-calling, blame-storming, agency-bashing, etc., etc. And, elect not to participate. Sometimes, we Mods may seem to be a little strident about enforcing some policies. But, we do it to make SB the kind of online presence that serves the larger body of users. At the same time, I know that some users really seem to enjoy reading sarcastic exchanges (to put it mildly). But, SB is NOT a cage fight, and we will continue to work to make sure that it doesn't become one.

This is why when asked I agreed to being a moderator. This is a great resource and I have learned so much by coming here. It is important that we protect this board and the valuable posters that speak with a quiet voice and will leave without contributing if they sense that it is a rough and tumble wild west free for all where you have to have a thick skin to survive. There are plenty of those sites. If we lose a loud and abusive poster that knows stuff but gain 5 members that would otherwise find it too stressful to be worth it, then it is more than worth the effort.

I have been involved in boards that are more mellow than this one and some that are much rougher. I stayed at the mellow ones much longer. It is after all what I do in my relaxation time. Why, you might ask would I spend my relaxation time moderating this board? gratitude
I can't speak for DD and frankly it seems a little off talking about a guy who can't defend himself here, but nevertheless, I'll say this...

When I joined the board just before I got certified a few years ago, out of the hundreds of people who participate here regularly there was only one person who engaged me privately, without solicitation, to offer tips and suggestions on how to improve my diving. I thought that was cool. He didn't have to and most people don't. In fact, many would rather FIGJAM a new guy, which happened by a couple popular members as well. So I guess I'm a little partial to his ban. I can also dish out and take a little razzing and am probably a lot less sensitive than many.

So I think the better question to ask is, does his contributions to the board outweigh some of the bad blood between him and a mod. In other words, the guy is experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to diving, often points out issues that are overlooked, calls out unsafe advice, and he posts pictures and video content often that makes for a better and more engaging site. Do those contributions not outweigh the fact he and a mod don't get a long? Could a better approach be to ask these two to ignore each other?

I don't want to sound like I'm carrying the guys water, but there's a handful of people on here that if they were all banned, the site would lose some of its appeal. Several of you have posted in this thread, many of you tread the infraction line, which is probably why this is the 204th post with thousands of views and hell, he didn't even start the thread to begin with. :)

I'm not suggesting special treatment. Perhaps a little de-sensitizing from everyone. Everywhere I look these days someone is offended by something.
I wonder if some of the off-putting nature of the forum may relate to even civil but strong disagreements that can be confusing to a newcomer. For example, judging from my impression of some threads over time, if I were a newbie and posted asking what dive computer to buy, I might get this composite view:

Air-integration would be really nice but it's useless, adds modestly to cost but that's unacceptable and I should spend the money diving, and I should buy a Shearwater Perdix instead of a Geo 2.0 or similar even though the later does everything I need because it's so impressively nice and covers the possibility of getting into tec. diving which the large majority of divers never do, at a cost of several hundred more.

If the poster is especially masochistic, he can then ask if BP/W is really worth the hype.

James- So here's the thing about asking people to be less sensitive so that we can tolerate interesting yet abusive characters to amuse those of us that it doesn't bother and I mean this with all due respect....

I'm 6'3" 180 lb Texan with a small ranch in the hill country. I build and shoot competition rifles, build furniture and the house I live in. Hell I built everything around me and busted this place out of a cedar thicket you couldn't turn around in. I am a construction worker and have worked in the trade for 38 years even while I was in school. I maintain a 1973 Fiat Allis motor grader that I use to maintain the 3 1/2 miles of dirt roads that lead to my house. I can take it and I can dish it out. I've been hiring and managing construction workers and other trades for 34 years. I don't take crap from anyone and here's what I learned about living in a rough and tumble world.

If I force others to live in the world I just described and only hang out with people that are tough and enjoy a macho driven "real man's" world then I'm going to be limiting myself from interacting with some of the best people the world has to offer. I have learned to use my strength to create nice things for others in my life to enjoy and I use my strength to protect others from bullies. I stand up to those that would hurt the most vulnerable. I spoke last week at the school board in support of our school board and in opposition to an outside group that was fighting to keep a 3rd grade transgender girl here in our small town from using the bathroom where she was comfortable.

I don't believe people should be less sensitive. I believe they should be safer to be who they are and if I can help to create an environment where they don't have to have a thick skin, then just maybe I can get to know who they are when they aren't hiding. With great strength comes great responsibility.
...//... we can tolerate interesting yet abusive characters to amuse those of us that it doesn't bother ... then just maybe I can get to know who they are when they aren't hiding. With great strength comes great responsibility.
The staff has spoken, yet again.

I've had this growing concern that I really don't belong here anymore. Really nice and friendly place to get one's feet wet. Brainless past that.
does his contributions to the board outweigh some of the bad blood between him and a mod.
Ah, the concept that it's between him and a single mod is as inaccurate as it is dramatic. Frankly, once any of us reach any level of animosity towards another user, or they us, we stop moderating them. I have a list of about 6 people I won't deal with unless it's a time critical issue. IOW, you don't have to hate someone to moderate them, and we won't moderate them if we do. I liked DD. I liked some of the drama he provided. But just as I don't let my animosity towards a user dictate whether they exist here or not, I don't let my friendship with them interfere with the mods either. DD, Dan Volkman and others I consider to be friends. They may or may not like me, due to them having their accounts suspended. I have no control over that. None, Nada and Squat: and in precisely that order.

It's all about the community. We try to make decisions about what's best for the community and not let our emotions get in the way, positive or negative. We've even banned an advertiser. It doesn't make a load of sense to let an advertiser harsh our mellow either. Without users and guests, we have nothing to sell them. You can't let the tail wag the dog. This isn't NetDocBoard or even DDBoard. Advertisers, supporting members and even staff are treated equally. In fact, we expect advertisers and staff to act a bit better than everyone else and hold them to a higher standard of friendliness.
The staff has spoken, yet again.

I've had this growing concern that I really don't belong here anymore. Really nice and friendly place to get one's feet wet. Brainless past that.
I'm not speaking for the staff. I'm speaking for myself. If you decide SB is no longer the place for you it will be a shame but it won't be because of me.
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