computer useage in DIR ? ?

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Hi all:
I'm a new diver, & someday want to learn DIR, so, before I start spending any money on stuff I don't want, . . . . . .
I like the idea of a computer, but . . . . .
I've searched & can't seem to find any statements re: use, or non-use of computers; seems like I've seen comments "depth gauge & timers only....
any advice, suggestions, etc will be appreciated!
jeffyjak once bubbled...
Hi all:
I'm a new diver, & someday want to learn DIR, so, before I start spending any money on stuff I don't want, . . . . . .
I like the idea of a computer, but . . . . .
I've searched & can't seem to find any statements re: use, or non-use of computers; seems like I've seen comments "depth gauge & timers only....
any advice, suggestions, etc will be appreciated!

As Pug would say... CRYB!

(computers rot your brain)

The reason you don't find anything regarding the use of computers is simply because they don't use them.

Dives are planned and dove according to that plan, with contingencies built in.
Hey Jeffy -

You're probably aware of this, but if not, you should know that computers and bottom timers are not mutually exclusive. That is, most computers can be set to gauge mode, in which case they function simply as a bottom timers.

So if you want a computer for now, go for it. If you later go DIR, set it to gauge mode and leave it.

Two bits of advice: If you do get a computer, don't let it become a substitute for understanding the tables and planning your dives with conscientious gas management in mind. Also, I would recommend going with a wrist mount, no matter what kind of instrument you end up with.

astrofunk once bubbled...
Hey Jeffy -

You're probably aware of this, but if not, you should know that computers and bottom timers are not mutually exclusive. That is, most computers can be set to gauge mode, in which case they function simply as a bottom timers.

So if you want a computer for now, go for it. If you later go DIR, set it to gauge mode and leave it.

Two bits of advice: If you do get a computer, don't let it become a substitute for understanding the tables and planning your dives with conscientious gas management in mind. Also, I would recommend going with a wrist mount, no matter what kind of instrument you end up with.


I agree completely with Jeffy. I think this is a fine piece of advice. <applause for Jeffy> :bravo:

The DIR hardcore would probably scold me for saying that and they'd tell you that buying a computer to put in guage mode is a waste of money but I would do it anyway. You'll probably find that having a computer is practical some of the time and (to be controversial) you'll end up wasting much more money on other things if you go DIR anyway.

Diver0001 once bubbled...

I agree completely with Jeffy. I think this is a fine piece of advice.
The DIR hardcore would probably scold me for saying that and they'd tell you that buying a computer to put in guage mode is a waste of money

Actually, a lot of the hardcore DIR divers do exactly that, and the reason is that it allows you to download your profiles to the computer.

Also, we do not rely on plans and contingencies. After a while of diving a bottom timer (or computer in gauge mode) you will know what you need to for a given depth and a given gas.

This will allow you to simply dive and know where you're at, and how much deco you need to do.

The biggest problem with computers is what they tell you:

Time's up, better head for the surface.

Every dive is a deco dive, so on every dive I stop at least at 40 ft, 30 ft, and 20 ft for 1 minute. If I have gas and time I'll do a 2 ft per minute ascent from 10 ft, it's excellent practice.

If you do this, most computers will yell at you for violating a "safety stop".
Braunbehrens once bubbled...
Every dive is a deco dive, so on every dive I stop at least at 40 ft, 30 ft, and 20 ft for 1 minute. If I have gas and time I'll do a 2 ft per minute ascent from 10 ft, it's excellent practice.

If you do this, most computers will yell at you for violating a "safety stop".

Thanks for the DIR perspective.

What computers have you seen that "yell at you for violating a safety stop" as you describe above? Oceanic, Aeris, etc. will not, nor do I believe will the Cochrans.

Steve and Braunbehrens offer sound comments.

Computers are tools. Like any tools, they can be used or abused.

In the 'DIR:Fundamentals of Better Diving' text by Jablonski there are numerous photographs in which the diver in the photo is wearing a Sunnto computer. It is to be presumed that the computer is set to gauge mode.

For divers learning about decompression diving, it can be informative to study dive profiles.

If you are indeed a "new diver", there may be other items of equipment that you might want to purchase before you acquire a new computer.

Listen to the comments you will no doubt receive, and make up your own mind.

Thanks, Doc, et al, for the replies, & advice....

I have a total of 44 dives, of which 5 were my aow class at lake powell, & approx. 24 dives were at no. channel islands, calif....
I consider myself to be a "new" diver.....

What might you recommend as to gear purchases.....

I haven't yet ordered, but will be soon getting the Apex TX-50 second stage, I want to have my own, & that is one that is has been recommended for tech diving.... otherwise, I only own mask fins booties! ! !

I will have to certainly buy things one at a time, budgetary restrictions i.e., first child off to college this fall, etc, etc....
jeffyjak once bubbled...
What might you recommend as to gear purchases.....

Regulator is definitely the first thing. After that I'd get a suit, because an ill-fitting suit is the pits, and then a BC. Of course I would recommend a backplate and wings.

If you are serious about diving, don't buy a wet suit. You'll want a drysuit soon enough, so hold off until you have money for a drysuit.

It's very difficult to get your weighting right when you don't have your own suit.

In the immediate, you need a timing device, be it a computer, a depth gauge, or whatever. The most importan advice is to stay the heck away from the small SUUNTO devices. I have personal knowledge of half a dozen or so that have failed, including my own. The large SUUNTO devices seem to be fine. I wouldn't bother with anything fancy, just get a Vyper, which can be used in gauge mode, or a similar computer. Don't get anything air integrated blah blah blah.

When chosing a computer, here is my list of must haves:

1) activates automatically when you enter the water.
2) User replaceable battery
3) Gauge mode
4) Downloadable

The vyper fullfills all three of these nicely, but there are probably others.

Good luck, and have fun!
thank you, I feel you've given good advice :wink:
I am looking at the aeris atmos 2, it has all of the requirements you suggested..... & the price is right for me....
thanks again!

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