Computer Choice for Rebeather Diving

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caveseeker7 once bubbled...
Ooops, sorry Cochran & Comander users. At least I had the Gemini in there ... .

Aside from the RGBM website some good info on RGBM, as well as its implementations has been printed in Advanced Divers Magazine. The current issue (#14) includes an article by Wienke and O'Leary comparing RGBM to ZHL (Haldane), GUE's D-Plan as well as several computers with each other (no deco/multible dives). Good stuff. Best dive mag I know, the only mag I subscribe to. :D Issues 4,5 & 10 also cover RGBM. Issue 11 the VR3. Halcyon,
K3, Cis-Lunar and Prism were also in there at one point or another. :D
They're planning on publishing Issues 1-12 on CD ROM as PDF files.

I'd like to know the expansion factors he used for those tables in the articles (as well as his naui published tables)...

Everything seems overly conservative over "raw" rgbm numbers for pure mixes rather than "ranged" tables..
Before Gene published his comparison, I joked he had to many "no" entires in the comparison, I believe its a fair assessment, he didn't try and publish a chart that just showed his strengths..
This appears to be very true and surprised me. The VR3 fan will find plenty of strong points for his or her case there as well. As an aside, the comparison should really feature the Vytec and not necessarily the Vyper. The Vytec is a direct competitor to the Nitec. Also, the Vyper does indeed have a gauge mode and very useful it is, too. But these are minor asides. Also, only the Cobra has the cylinder pressure display. But these are very minor asides. As a whole, I find this comparison remarkably exact and unbiaised to come from the manufacturer of one of the products! Well done!

Am I paying you for this?
Nope, but you're very welcome to. Preferably international money order or old dollar bills in low denomination. This hobby is just soooo hard on my wallet. Off on a 700-mile round trip for some diving this weekend, and if you hurry, you might be able to pay for that Deep South Red Sea trip I want to join next week ... :wink: :D
many thanks for quick side by side comp. model names and the links .

Anyone here dives Prism and has one of this computers integrated with it ? If yes, which computer is it ?


I have neither seen nor heard of anybody divinng that combo yet. I don't think there's an inline adapter out there like the one for the Inspiration. But you should be able to hook it up with the Dräger P-connector mounted to the inhalation bag. :rolleyes:

Jeff B. uses the non-integrated HS Explorer when diving the Prism (OC probably too, but I never seen him dive OC).

Did you ever get in touch with SMI about an intro ?
caveseeker7 once bubbled...
I have neither seen nor heard of anybody divinng that combo yet. I don't think there's an inline adapter out there like the one for the Inspiration. But you should be able to hook it up with the Dräger P-connector mounted to the inhalation bag. :rolleyes:

Jeff B. uses the non-integrated HS Explorer when diving the Prism (OC probably too, but I never seen him dive OC).

Did you ever get in touch with SMI about an intro ?

Yep ... I got a hold of Shas and will be attending a rebreather orientation class on Jul 21. Just trying to gather as much information as I can in the mean time.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

Great, Michael. See you there. :D

Currently I am just OC but one day I would like to use a RB. I am looking at the prism and currently I have no computer. If I was to buy a computer I want it to be forward compliant with my diving goals. Am I to take it from this threads that the HS explorer will do OC/SCR/CCR? Also what is the price of this unit? Any other computers worth mentioning besides the VR3?

blacknet once bubbled...

Currently I am just OC but one day I would like to use a RB. I am looking at the prism and currently I have no computer. If I was to buy a computer I want it to be forward compliant with my diving goals. Am I to take it from this threads that the HS explorer will do OC/SCR/CCR? Also what is the price of this unit? Any other computers worth mentioning besides the VR3?


Just check out the web site and send email to their support alias if you have any questions on the HS-Explorer. (And will give you feel of their support team).

For the price check out

I started with the Cochran Commander for my CCR and now have the Explorer with O2 sensor. (I like having two computers on me).

Also worth a discussion with your future Prism instructor.

- Kent

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