Completed my AOW today!!!!!!!!!

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Bill Walton

Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Well finally done. I completed my NAUI AOW today with the long awaited deep dive at Mansfield Dam, Lake Travis.

I did the course and first 5 dives almost a month ago and have just been waiting for a group going to Travis or PK that worked with my schedule. Just in time too; leaving for a week of diving in Cozumel on Saturday the 6th.

This was a busy weekend. I did a 1hr 41min dive at Clear Springs, Terrell on Saturday morning with one of Grapevine Scuba's DM's sons. It was absolutely great being underwater that long. We did a complete perimeter dive. Averaged 19ft with max depth of only 34ft. Stopped and played around the shark for a minute or two and then kept on cruising. Lots of fun.

Then got up first thing this morning and headed from Plano to Austin in the pouring rain, praying that I would be able to wet with more than rain water. Arrived at 9:45, geared up and hit the water. Went out to the dam a couple hundred yards out and decented to 77ft and just swam along the grates and wall. Kind of fun, but mostly cold and dark. Still a neat dive going from the daylite surface to serious darkness and back.

Anyway, I am looking forward to the dives in Cozumel and a few more weekends at Clear Springs before I start my Rescue class. Am hoping to complete the NAUI Advanced Rescue before the Aug. Flower Gardens trip.

Hope all of you had a pleasent weekend with less driving and more diving than me.


we just finished our deep and wreck dives today. Nav and peak buoyancy were yesterday. Night dive next sat. and then we'll have finished aow also.

86ft for about 18 minutes... 2 of the class were on tables. 51 degree water... 15-20ft vis.

one diver was so sick he couldn't do the second dive. Felt kinda bad for him... I've been there... was on a minesweeper in the navy and that thing rocked at the pier when other boats went by. But I think he should have done the 2nd dive... all motion would have stopped. Instead, he suffered for the 1/2 hour while we did the 2nd dive

Ken (& Lisa)
Have a great time in Coz!
I was hoping you'd be able to do the dive. I knew the weather was "iffy". We had great weather at CSSP again on Sunday...just a little cloud cover all day, cool, and a little mist every now and then. After you left Saturday it got a little rough for about 30 minutes with wind and rain but no thunder or lightning.

There was not time on Saturday for me to do any of my AOW dives. (I should have made at least part of the perimeter dive with you guys.) The OW students kept everybody busy until late. Yesterday, although things were very busy again, I did get one in. So that's five to go! Everybody had a great time and hung around for several hours after the diving just talking. I think the students finally left around 6:00 or 6:30 and we followed. Then the sky opened up and we had hard rain most of the drive home.

I checked the board for news about your dive last night before retiring....and was still hoping you were able to finish your AOW....(but you were up later than us)...So happy to see your post this morning! YEAHH............!!!
You're gonna LOVE Coz.

It's kind of like getting LASIK - Texas swamps = 5-20 ft vis; Coz = about 200 ft vis. Plus it's all in spectacular color!

Congratulations!!! Now just let us know when you're ready for your Rescue Class (I know of an instructor who is looking for students).

Originally posted by Bill Walton
Kind of fun, but mostly cold and dark. Still a neat dive going from the daylite surface to serious darkness and back.
This is one of the reasons that Texas Divers who get serious about their diving sometimes turn out to be better than divers from other areas. We have to learn how to handle ourselves and any problems that crop up in some of the worst diving conditions out there. But the big benefit is that when the defecation hits the rotating air mover while we are out in blue ater, we Texans go, "No problemo...this is just like home!" and solve the problem without panicking.

I also like diving in those conditions because not only do I enjoy that type of diving, but it makes me concentrate on awareness and skills.
Anyway, I am looking forward to the dives in Cozumel and a few more weekends at Clear Springs before I start my Rescue class. Am hoping to complete the NAUI Advanced Rescue before the Aug. Flower Gardens trip.
I'll send you the info about the istructor how is putting together the Rescue Course. And it will be before the FG trip.

Again, congrats on achieving this milestone in your diving career!!!
Originally posted by TexasMike
This is one of the reasons that Texas Divers who get serious about their diving sometimes turn out to be better than divers from other areas. We have to learn how to handle ourselves and any problems that crop up in some of the worst diving conditions out there.
When are you coming to the PNW Mike? :D

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