Commercial Diving Depths.......

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I would question any record unless it was verified by the PADI police. :D :D
I meant surface supplied air. Anyone got pictures of what this getup looks like anyway?

Maybe you should try a website that is geared more towards Commercial diving.

I think there are a couple. Offshorediver comes to mind, but I find it a little hard to navigate.
I meant surface supplied air. Anyone got pictures of what this getup looks like anyway?

Look at my avitar
Records should all be taken with a grain of salt since they are hard to verify.
I can understand that. I know that Nuno Gomes removed a tag that was fixed at 315m from the drop line. After subsequent calculation of rope stretch it was established that he dived to 318.25m. What other measures are used to verify deep diving records?

It was reported that the Nuno Gomes record was broken by Pascal Bernabe at a depth of 330m.
CDNN :: It's Official: New Deep Diving Record 330 Meters
I saw this, which is why I asked why you said that the record is "probably" held by Gomes. Is the Bernabe record under any suspicion? Or at least, is it under less suspicion than the Gomes record?
In 1979, Sylvia Earle walked untethered on the sea floor at a lower depth than any living human being before or since. In the so-called Jim suit, a pressurized one-atmosphere garment, she was carried by a submersible down to the depth of 1,250 feet below the ocean's surface off of the island of Oahu. At the bottom, she detached from the vessel and explored the depths for two and a half hours with only a communication line connecting her to the submersible, and nothing at all connecting her to the world above. She described this adventure in her 1980 book: Exploring the Deep Frontier.
Deep Rover, a one man submersible (Jim and Newt are also one man subs) goes to 1000 meters. Sylvia dove that one too (it was designed by her company).
I had a friend who was a saturation diver in the North Sea in the 70s. He did 4 dives a year for a LOT of money. One dive lasted around 3 days and took about 4-6 weeks to decompress from. There were MANY accidents and deaths.
Overlooked heroes: North Sea Divers -
They'd have been safer walking on the moon.

Still - at 23 years old he drove a brand new Mercedes....and pulled LOTS of girls! :D

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