The Hetty Taylor is a schooner down 110 feet near Sheboygan. The stern is smashed up from a botched salvage attempt. The top of the "pilot house" rests on the lake bed next to wreck. Off her stern to the starboard side to be exact. This wreck has a mooring and other then being deepish its a fairly easy dive. The bow spirit and the windlass are intact and are the wrecks best features.
If you are able to go a little deeper I would suggest a trip to the schooner Northerner. She lays in 135 feet(120 to the deck) and is south of Port Washington Wisconsin a few miles. She is upright and mostly intact. Just inshore from her sits the Mahoning. A fillet of Brig that lies in 50 fow. Although broken up, she retains many of her deadeyes, one of her wood stock anchors can still be seen under her bow and there is a steam pump and boiler just off the wreck that was used to try and keep her afloat before she went down.
As long as your in town, a few miles north lies the remains of the steam sidewheeler Niagara. The wreckage is strewn about. She burn't to the waterline and fell apart as she went down. This wreck is also moored. The main hull and the walking beam steam engine lies at the mooring, as well as the remains of the paddle wheels. There is a rope off the base of the mooring that leads north to the boilers. They lie about 300 feet off the wreck. Bring your wreck reel. There are other hull sections to be explored that lie south and southeast of the main wreckage.
Dive safe