I got one initially for the same reason you are considering it. I went away from it for a number of reasons. If the inflator valve has a problem you can't just disconnect it and inflate manually. The bigger issue for me is this. I thought I would have a more compact setup but it wasn't really true. With the integrated solution the inflator hose must be longer and that means you need to retain it somehow so it isn't dangling and it is pretty darned stiff so I was unable to find a solution that worked well. When I went to a dedicated secondary second stage secured with a necklace, it is flexible and snug in tight and right where I need it if I need it. Right under my chin. The dedicated inflator on the other hand is now able to me much shorter and stays right on my shoulder where it is always where my hand expects it to be. No more dangling combo inflator/octo. It was a transitional thing but I wish I had saved the money and gone straight to the long hose primary and necklaced octo. It just works better for me.
Hmmm, interesting thoughts. I'm starting to waver a bit. I hadn't thought much about the servicing process either.