A friend of mine (Gordon Racine) died in BUDS back in 1998. I tried to go to BUDS in 1986 but I did not pass the dive physical because my uncorrected vision was not good enough for the program. I worked with Gordon and helped him put his package together when we worked at North Island and he was accepted for training. About four weeks into the program he was in the pool and vomited and in the process, he aspirated a large amount of rice (his lunch) and pool water into his lungs. The incident happened in the afternoon and he died later that evening.
Had another buddy that finally made it through on his third attempt. Rang out the first time, fractured his pelvis on the second but he made it on the last one. I don’t doubt that they have adequate supervision its just that some candidates may push too far and put themselves in danger rather than admit that they are having difficulty. Props to those that try and those that make it, I have done some medical coverages for some of those training evolutions over in Coronado and it’s not an easy career choice.