color or not - opinions?

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This was taken recently on the Atlas in North Carolina. There must've been at least several dozen sandtigers all around and inside the wreck... 60-80 wouldn't surprise me. Took a little while to find two of them off by themselves for a "solitude" shot.

So, should I leave it bluish or b/w? Which looks better? I got some thoughts of my own, but I'm curious what others have to say. Any opinions/comments are welcome.. Thanks!



When there's is plenty of contrast, I like the B&W shots. Sharks and ship wrecks especially seem to make dramatic subjects.
Black and white can be so dramatic. This would look great framed in an off white mat with a black center core.

And, if Ted Turner ever gets possession of "Citizen Kane" and colorizes it.....his days are numbered!!!
Hi Roman,
Let me know if this works? I like the black and white and agree that there has to be plenty of contrast!
I prefer the B&W for this shot with one reservation... the additional contrast is highlighting the extra stuff in the frame (particularly around the right shark) and is a little distracting. A little Photoshop touching up would clear it up and make for a pretty cool shot.

If everyone doesn't know i'm very partial to b/w images and I process alot of them. I took the liberty of doing some alterations to the image, I hope you don't mind. It would be better quality and the compression you see is from the small image size, which is fine for viewing.


I like the shades of blue with the dark sharks. The blue is beautiful so that's my vote.
I say go with the blue, but darken it down a little like blacknet did with the B&W. As far as the additional fish around the second shark - I rather like them there, but thats just my preference. I never realised that there were that many sharks in NC - I am in the process of buying camera plus housing and booking a trip right now,

Thanks for the comments, guys! I kind of like the B/W as well. I toyed around with the adding a bit of extra grain to the image ala blacknet's version, as well as darkening it further, but something in me wanted to preserve the school in the lower left of the image, and the graininess just didn't feel right. I really liked that extra contrast in blacknet's version, though. I will see if I can make the 2 sharks a little darker. I'm still a novice when it comes to photoshop...


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