Color balancing

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Bowie, MD
# of dives
100 - 199
Has anyone had any experience with the Kodak "undersea" (?) developing and printing?

Also I heard there was an automatic color correction filter available for Photoshop. Anyone used that?

As for photoshop side it's best not to use any filters but to adjsut the gama/curves/levels.

DrSteve once bubbled...
Has anyone had any experience with the Kodak "undersea" (?) developing and printing?

Also I heard there was an automatic color correction filter available for Photoshop. Anyone used that?

You mean the Sea Processing? It looks over manipulated to me. Sort of like they applied the same Auto Fix to the whole roll of film.

Yes, there is one called Auto Fix or Auto Levels. I can work OK on a very few photos. You're better off learning to use the histogram, color/brightness levels, etc.
actually kodack sea processing is a very speciallized process that is done by hand for each frame not the role. what they do is the specially devolp the film to bring down the blue level some and then take it into a digital printer set up and adjust its till its right then have the printer do the print.

i have seen it done in person and it is very sophisticated and cool to watch in person.

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