Collateral knee damage and diving

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OK, I hope I'm in the right place.
I spend most of my summer underwater and due to an unfortunate accident, I tore my mcl, acl, and did damage to my knee capsule. I just had reconstructive surgery and a new ACL, but the MCL is very damaged and although the capsule was shaved down it is still numb and the doctor is concerned about me diving again even after six months!!!!! I have never been out of the water this long before, except when I was pregnant, and my concern is, will I get back in the water (don't answer no or no more buza 831) but seriously, if there's an orthopaedic in the house who can advise, please do. I use Force fins and realize I may need to choose something else in the short run. Any advice would be great and the happy truthful is the best. Thanks:D
Hi buza 831:

As far as DCS is concerned, sore joints are very often more sensitive to DCS pain. Conservative gas loads are the rule.

Hopefully others can comment on the orthopedic aspects.
Hi Busa831,

From personal experience all i can advise it that you properly rehabilitate your knee before returning to diving.

I tore the cartilage in my right knee playing field hockey. I visited a physiotherapist and then moved onto a Biokineticist after the surgery. The Physio allows you to regain "control" of your leg again and the "Bio" helps you to regain the "strength, stability and support" in and around the knee.

Without a doubt before returning to any sport.... you should be prepared for it. It's truly amazing/disturbing just how quickly the muscles in the legs can/do atrophy after a few short weeks on crutches!

Get rehabed and then you can dive again with complete peace of mind. Even with those Force-fins of yours won't help your knee and does increase the risk of possibly damaging the knee.

It doesn't take long to rehabilitate your knee but what a difference it makes!!! It's been a few years since then but i'm still playing top-flight hockey and the knee is in some ways stronger than it was to begin with. Mainly because i take the time to make sure it's strong enough.

From what Dr_Deco touched on.... Nitrogen does tend to collect around scar tissue other damaged tissues causing DCS pain. I've never had a problem myself with that but then I had a few years of rehab and exercise under my belt. When I did my certification, i mentioned the fact i had surgery on my knee but once they heard how long ago it was (4 years) they said it wasn't a concern at all.

Hope this helps,

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