faye once bubbled...
Don't miss YONGALA wreck outside of townsville. It ranks as one of my top dives ever, especially at night. Trust me check it out.
Very good advice, but I've checked out about getting to the Yongala from Cairns,
it's a five hour one way drive. Is there any way that the wreck can be reached by plane, or a very fast boat, I don't have enough time in Oz to get there and back.
Actually we also wish we had time to do Ningaloo as well. Drat:upset: , going that far from home and not being able to do everything you want to. When we get to Cairns, we figured one day to get jet lag straight, one day to Kurunda, one day to see Cairns, then 4 to liveaboard, then one night in Port Douglas, one day to Lizard Island,then two days up to Cape Trib., one more dive day then 24 hours before you can fly and my time is up ;-0 . The really good news is the plane is stopping in Hawaii for eight days to let us enjoy and dive a bit of Hawaii

ps. did I miss anything.............