Cocoview in November

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Austin, TX
I am headed to Cocoview the week of November 20th. I am learning after the fact that perhaps we will be enjoying a little more rain than perhaps other months of the year and as I look at diurnal temperatures, maybe a little cooler than one would hope for in their tropical vacation.

Can any of you share November experiences in Roatan with me so that we know better what to pack for clothes and what better to expect in the way of dive conditions?

You never know. Been there 6 times and always good may be the timing. New owners now. Bring DEET or the avon stuff works if you remember to use it. And go to GIO'S in French Harbor for dinner crab& lobster combo is awesome!! But you gotta love the beach dive off the place! The new owners seem to want to keep a good thing working with a few small changes that I thought would help allot. I hope you hit a good weather window!
End of the rainy season- ya' never know. Pretty much so the same deal as our trip scheduled for 12/11-18. If it rains, that might cut down viz- largely irrelevant as you're looking at "little stuff" - up close and personal.

Downside? Cool fresh water run off can alter critter behavior, but more importantly it can add a chill between your dives- gotta love a warm sun shine day!

Nothing that you shouldn't be ready for- a lightweight windproof jacket, or better yet... one of thos long trench coat things with the polarfleece liner. Water temp? No worse than a miserable 82 degrees.
If you judge the weather by the forecast you'd be way off! calls for thundershowers nearly every day but we've played tennis at Fantasy Island 5 days out of the last 7.

We moved here in April so we haven't spent a November yet. When we were living north of here in Cozumel and Isla Mujeres most of the winter weather came from the north so the south side of Roatan - where CocoView is - should be more protected from the wind at least.

If you have a long sleeve shirt and long pants for evening you'll be protected from a chill and from the bugs.

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