Cocos or Galapagos

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Scuba Instructor
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Chicago area
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500 - 999
I wasn't sure to which forum I should post this, so I'm starting with this one. Here's a "bucket list" question. If your sole purpose for a trip was to get as much hammerhead interaction, best visibility, most sightings up, down, and sideways and for the most days out of 7 would you go to the Galapagos or Cocos Island? I'm seeking SB opinions, conjecture, pure speculation. Thanks.

I was in the Galapagos last year and yes there was several encounters with Hammerheads. Almost everyday.
If you are expecting Viz like the Caymans you will be disappointed, The hammerheads kept their distance but you could see them.
CoCos is and has been on my list but cant compare the two.
I have been told if its sharks you want then Cocos is the place but the Galapagos should be on everyone's list for sure,
Both absolutely awesome for hammerhead sharks. We have had people in both locations not long ago and both raved about the numbers of sharks including hammerheads. As I (the writer) was the one who went to Galapagos (in January) I can tell you I saw loads of them. Many dives involved seeing dozens of them in a big wall of hammerheads slowly weaving against the current and slowly coming ever closer until they passed over our heads as we hunkered down on a rocky slope. Amazing.

But the Cocos experience sounds fab too in terms of hammerheads.

Maybe comparing the 2 trip reports would give you a better idea.
Galapagos one: Galapagos Islands Cruise Trip Report, Ecuador - Liveaboard Diving With Galapagos Sky,
Cocos one: Liveaboard Diving in Cocos - Wind Dancer Trip Report
I have done the coco's... 13 days on the undersea hunter, 9 days of diving (all smiles) What a trip!!! Hammerheads everywhere... Galapagos sharks, Night dive with the white tips, face to face with a tiger (let say, 3')... I wrote a really really long trip report 2 years ago or so... It was more of a diary for my wife (she thought I should post it) glad I did cause I can always go back to it and remissness...!!! Coco's trip don't want to bore you however... :)

I have been to the Galapagos but was not diving at the time (go figure) but on this same trip to the Coco's, a group had just came from there... At first there was all the talk about how great the Galapagos trip was which was expected and I have to admit, was a bit jealous... At the end of the trip I asked them to compare the two locations and they found it difficult to separate the two... Both were great...!

So saying all of this, my hand is up for the Coco's but I hear nothing but great things about the diving in the Galapagos! Bottom line, you will not go wrong either way...!

Best to ya, lee
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After reading lsorenson's post, it set me to thinking and after watching this thread for a few days, I might have something to add.

Maybe the original premise here has some debatable algebra. First, understand that Hammerheads don't care much for great viz. That's not how they stay alive and hunt. They lurk.

Is it really a good idea to decide between Cocos and Galapagos based on Hammerhead sightings? After all, the question is posed as a one-or-the-other proposition.

A few folks understand that the holy-grail Cocos trip involves a protracted thrash in the form of a long sea trip to get out where the action occurs.

The Galloping Pogos is a stupid lengthy set of air flights, then it also involves a similar brutal liveaboard crossing to the North and Darwin/Wolf.

We like doing land based in the G after many years of liveaboards. We still see the Hammerheads, but not in the same predictable swirling schools as the 3x more expensive liveaboard- plus, we get to do the many land based excursions. It is equally a loss to go to the G and not dive as it is the other way around... not doing at least 4 days of land excursions. The same can not be said for Cocos.

After having experienced both ways, I believe I could take my last breath and be happy knowing that I did the Galapagos both above and under the water. My Cocos trip will not likely be a part of my last thoughts, even though the Sharks were indeed spectacular.

Maybe I'm jaded? It all depends on what gets you off. Okay, I'm jaded. But... My wife just started diving 13 years ago and has seen it all by now. On more than one occasion, she has slipped into the water and noticed swarming Sharks. After a look, she's not real overly-absorbed by the spectacle that completely captivates many other divers. After two encounters with Hammerheads, she was more entranced by the Mobula Rays. The gawk factor of the Hammerheads came and went pretty quickly, but one dive when she was going face to face with the Seals, a Hammerhead did scream through at 15fsw and 30mph. The difference between seeing them, versus the pure luck observation of behaviors.

Most group observations of schooling behavior are by divers at considerable depth. These Sharks hunt solo and in fairly shallow turbid water, where the divers generally are not. So this adds another wrench into the equation. After you've seen them for five dives in a row, what's next? Most dive plans avoid this shallow hunting ground because of the inherent difficulty of currents and underwater architecture.

Whatever you're wanting, whatever gets your motor running. But try not to be too focused on a "bucket list", sometimes it aint all that.
Great, helpful responses by all. Thank you. Doc, you were our mentor for our dive shop's, Scuba Sensations, trip to Coco View, even coming to our pre-trip party. So thanks for staying in the mentor role! I was wondering how bad the air travel from O'Hare to the Galapagos doesn't look fun. I realize I can't go wrong with either destination and part of the equation will be what can we sell as a shop trip. We're off to DEMA next week where long and fun discussions with the operators in both locations will occur. As to spouse's preference, it's Galapagos, but it will be a democratic process leading to a dictator (the shop owner) decision. :wink:
Thanks again. SB posters have never let me down with great advice and helpful hints.

I've not been to Cocos and I'd like to do Socorro some day. I can tell you that Galapegos was amazing. We didn't even get to do the last day of our trip at Darwin because one of our group had DCS ( he actually started to get it the first day, dove the day before we left on some deep tech dives and then flew, didn't tell me or the other doc and we spent days treating his "migraine"). We had to turn back but what we saw was truly amazing. Lots of whale sharks,hammerheads in huge,huge schools. Galapegos sharks swirling in amongst the hammerheads. Turtles,frogfish,just so much. The only thing we didn't see that trip which is normally seen is mantas. I think we were there at the wrong time or something.
tracydr: Thanks for the information. That was bad about the DCS hit. Our group went to Socorro in February on the Solmar V. I'd be glad to discuss in more detail. Good trip, but viz at the first two islands (12 dives) was bad and we were disappointed...even the DM's on the boat felt bad for us. Roca Partido was better viz and amazing whale encounters underwater. However, the hammerheads were never close enough for a decent view...hence my desire to be engulfed in them.

How's diving with big stuff (hammerheads - whales etc..) in january and february, is it any good, 'cause I read that the best time would be from sept to nov. And I am thinking to go perhaps in the beginning of next year for ecuador - galapagos. Is diving any good in general in the 3 first months of the year ?
Thanks for the infos !
I don't think you can go wrong with either.

Cocos has the reputation for hammerheads but I also saw plenty of hammerheads in Galapagos.


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