SEATTLE - One of two Coast Guard divers who mysteriously died during a training dive in the Arctic last summer sank uncontrollably as far as 190 feet below the icy surface and suffocated, according to an autopsy summary obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday.
The autopsy ruled Hill's death an accident. The cause was asphyxia, lung trauma caused as pressure decreases during ascents, and possible air bubbles in the blood. Duque's family could not immediately be reached to confirm whether he died of the same causes.
"It is quite likely the divers lost consciousness prior to or during the ascent," Adams wrote.
The autopsy summary also noted that a third diver planned to take part, but "immediately aborted the dive" for reasons that are not mentioned.
This is a little more than confusing to me..."The cause was asphyxia, lung trauma caused as pressure decreases during ascents, and possible air bubbles in the blood."
So, she is breathing air at ambient pressure (assumed) and her lungs experienced "lung trauma caused as pressure decreases during ascents" ?
If they are correct that possibly one of the divers had some air left in the tank "nearly empty" then perhaps they were killed by the rapid ascent to the surface because they were being pulled up. If they were dead or unconscious at depth, does the airway open allowing the rapidly expanding air to escape? If it does not, by default, open (no matter the pressure gradient), then I can see why there was trauma...but I doubt it was the cause of death, unless, of course, they were still alert when the surface support team pulled them up.
Also, if they are citing asphyxia caused by the uncontrolled descent as the cause of death, how does that happen...unless they stop breathing on purpose? Has anyone ever heard of someone rapidly descending to a significant depth and becoming unconscious as a result? Perhaps this is a possibility, but I have never heard of it.
And, how would 'air bubbles in the blood' (DCS/DCI/AGE) be present during the descent? Is there some sort of 'reverse physics' phenomenon in Alaska?
Again, perhaps I am ignorant to some of the things I have stated/asked here. I am very much open to an education and some clarification from some of you who have more experience than I.
Either way, it is a very sad situation when those who honorably serve in the defense of our country die as a result of stupidity and ignorance on the part of the 'support' system they stake their lives upon.
I'll be praying for their families...they they experience God's comfort in this time of emotional chaos.