Closing Threads

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Reaction score
Victoria, BC
# of dives
200 - 499
What is the process of requesting that a thread be closed (e.g., if it goes completely off-topic or if a contentious topic causes excessive conflict)?

Should I just send a personal message to the board guide or a staff member (which choice is better)? If that request is denied, will I get a personal message?
Report your original post, and the mods will look at it.

You'll get a response in the form of a PM. Don't expect one right away though... give it a little time.
Use the report button at the bottom of the page and state the reason you're reporting the post.

Please keep in mind that while we do give consideration to the request of the original poster in regard to closing a thread, that does not mean that it's automatically done. Several factors are weighed in making the decision. Threads do have a tendency to drift and if we shut down every thread because it starts to run off topic a bit, that would kind of defeat the purpose of a discussion board. If a thread has gotten overly off topic, we may opt to split it instead, and if it has gotten overly harsh then we may opt to remove those posts.

We do try to respond to reports on an individual basis when warranted, but if it's under discussion it may take a bit before a decision is given.
Threads which become unsalvageably contentious will often get closed. But threads that wander from the original topic may not -- some of the most valuable discussions here sometimes occur when a thread undergoes multiple segues (look up UnderwaterPreacher's thread on trusting dive computers for an excellent example).

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