My understanding is that below 100 feet everyone is affected by nitrogen narcosis, but not everyone exhibits abnormal behavior. I don't think he would necessarily know if he was narced. Below 100 feet, reactions are usually slower, thinking is clouded, dexterity is reduced. If there are other factors such as cold, dehydration, tiredness, residual sickness, etc. then the effects can be more significant. I know an instructor who has been diving for 30 years and he describes an incident where he was affected quite severly around 130 feet - almost killed him, but his buddy got his attention and brought him up a bit.
All that said, if you feel this guy was deliberately pushing the limits, and was indeed ignoring you, then don't dive with him again. It may not have been narcosis and you definitely don't want to dive with someone who ignores your needs (not to mention his own, since he was ignoring all the alarms on his own computer).
Another thing, you might consider for your own safety is to think about carrying a pony bottle for dives below 100 feet - not to depend on, but just as an extra safety precaution. There's not much room for error at that depth, and if you didn't go up when you did, you may not be telling us about this problem.