Stick to Your Plan, Reveiw Your rules for calling the dive. Perform a post dive reveiw, what "WE" did Right..What "WE" did wrong..How can We make it better the next time. Below 60 ft...and travelling down to depths at 130..You need additional air supplies in my opinion. We dive at these depths regularly and do so with Pony Bottles and or Spare Air. A Free-Flow problem or O-Ring Blowing will empty Your tank in seconds. The only one who knows if You should dive with the buddy again is You. Remember Diving ultimately is a solo job that incorporates teamwork for additional fail safes. Buddy teams need to practice these tasks as well. How do You know how someone will react when it really counts? How many times have You tried to get Your buddy to look at something...and just give up trying to get their attention. Suppose it was You with No Air...