Clear Springs

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200 - 499
It has been pretty quiet on the posting about going to Clear Springs. Anybody been there in last couple of weeks?

Got a new camera I need to try out and would like to get out there in next fews weeks. If it will work in green water, bet it will work really good in blue.
I doubt there was anyone out there Saturday, with it raining all day long. Might have been some people out there yesterday, though.
Was there Saturday and Sunday. Big crowds, believe it or not.

Vis about 15 feet, 66-68 degrees at surface to first thermocline at 22'
I'm hoping to be at Clear Springs this weekend too!
I am going May 7th - 9th, your welcomed to join the 3 of us..

Will someone please tell me what DIR is and how one becomes compliant?


DIR - Do It right.

I don't comply with it, it's just a different, "safer", more streamlined way of diving , and a way to dive "smarter?"

That's my take on it... or how it's supposed to be perceived?

I just DMY.. Dive My Way, within the normal rec guidelines.

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