Suggestion Classified adds

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Rest in Peace
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
13th floor of the Ivory Tower
# of dives
1000 - 2499

Good job on the sorting of the Classifieds section; however, how much bother would it be to have the Classified adds separated by:

Wanted to buy.
For sale.

It would cut down on a lot of searching through all the adds.


That is something we're currently considering.

It would not be implemented as separate forum though.

When posting a classifieds thread, you will be forced to assign a tag to your thread (For Sale, Want To Buy, For Trade).

The search engine will allow you to search for all threads with a specific tag.
Yes, that is pretty much what I have in mind.

Thank you.
An example of this functionality is the Site Support forum (Solved tag).
This functionality has now been implemented.

You need to choose a prefix when posting a new thread in the general marketplace forums.

For Sale, Wanted To Buy or For Trade.

Additional options can be added if need be.

You can use Advanced Search to search one or more marketplace forums for threads with a specific prefix (see attachment).


  • Marketplace Prefixes.jpg
    Marketplace Prefixes.jpg
    253.4 KB · Views: 41

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