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Hey everyone, I am new to diving, never done it before but I am heading down to Naples soon (in about a month and a half hopefully) and want to become a certified diver (I think...)

Anyway I was hoping someone had information on classes around that area or in other parts of Europe. I have four months to kind of wander around before I have a skeleton of a plan and want to be in the UK.

Any information is very much appreciated!


Hi chelsea,

Where in the Netherlands are you?
You still have 4 months so you can do the training in the Netherlands.
I in living in Almere now, Flevoland area.
I'm no Netherlands expert, but a quick Google search turned up these guys (no endorsement implied), who appear to be in your area: . . : : O.S.V. AgaDivers - Almere : : . .

How about doing the pool dives locally and ask for a referral to do the open water dives in Naples, where the sea will be decidedly warmer. I suggest you as a local dive school (maybe the one I linked to above) for options.
Hey thank you for this site! I will see if they have any classes in English!

Thank you!!! Good idea!
No problem! The way referral works is that you do all you can (might only be one pool dive; but normally people do all the pool work), then the first dive school fills in a referral form, stating how far you have progressed (and the skills you have successfully completed). The next dive school will normally do a short check-dive in the pool (to ensure you are still comfortable with some of the skills), then complete the rest of OW training and sign you off.

The overall cost should be almost the same as doing it all in one place. In practice, it will probably cost slightly more.

A local (Holland) dive school should also have a list of available schools elsewhere, so you'll have a heads-up before you get to Naples.

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