Chuuk Lagoon Visbility

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Reaction score
United States
# of dives
100 - 199
Google tells me that December to April is the dry season in Chuuk. Does anybody have a general idea of diving conditions by month? For instance, which months have the best visibility? Would August be an OK time to go? Thanks!
Send Rob McCann at the Truk Stop an email. He is the man for diving Truk and a really nice guy. He is also an old Florida cave diver.
Best time to go is before the prevailing winter season NE winds & swell/chop --anytime up to Sept or Fall before November at the latest. Still hot tropical climate, but can be a cold wind chill, rainy, boat slamming & jarring ride out & back from the wrecks during the winter.

Viz can be variable, especially on the wrecks close to the old repair anchorages (e.g. Heian Maru) -where you can get land run-off after usual late afternoon tropical showers.

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