Okay so I just got my Choptima back from annual service and I need to really nail down my trim. I'm 5'10" 180 lbs. I'm typically leg heavy. My OC sidemount wing (xdeep) is set up such that the being is as low on my bag as possible while still accomodating a butt plate, and 4# on the second from the top spine pocket, and my trim is perfect from full to empty cylinders. With the chop though, even moving the weight to the top most spine pocket, and raising the chop as high as possible (almost to the point where I can't unclip the top clips), the tendancy is still leg heavy. So much so that if I don't move I end up vertical. This makes stopping, especially shallow water deco stops, extremely annoying and unnecessarily tiring.
Am I wrong moving it up? I realize that the counter lungs being higher make my upper torso more buoyant but the thought process was getting the weight of the tank, 1st stage, and scrubber as far away from my legs as possible.
If at all possible, I'd like to keep from adding more weight as well.
Thanks for your advice in advance!
Am I wrong moving it up? I realize that the counter lungs being higher make my upper torso more buoyant but the thought process was getting the weight of the tank, 1st stage, and scrubber as far away from my legs as possible.
If at all possible, I'd like to keep from adding more weight as well.
Thanks for your advice in advance!