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I'm currently trying to figure out the best way to go for two different underwater rigs. Both need to be digital.

1) If I get a new job then its off to dive for a week or two, and I want to get a reasonable general-purpose small camera with a housing for use on this and future dive vacations.

2) If I don't get a new job then I'm going to do my divemaster. If I do this then I'm looking for something a little better to use more often.

For (1) I was looking at a 3.2MP Sony Cyber-Shot, for (2) I'm not sure - I can't afford an Olympus c5050, but I might be able to get a c4040 plus the appropriate PT housing. I'm certainly erring towards Olympus, since I've seen some great pictures on these boards, and many of you out there seem to own them. Thoughts / opinions / random flames welcomed...

I agree with Ted, Olympus would be my first choice. You can still get C-4040 refurbished from the factory for decent prices. And don't overlook the C-3040 if a 3MP will fit your criteria. It's an awsome camera, too.

I haven't been very impressed with Sony cameras for underwater use but you might check out the Canons. From the u/w photos I've seen, that would be my second choice.
I quite like the look of the new c4000 from Olympus too (and I have seen it new for under $400), but AFAIK there is no housing available for it at this time. If I did get hold of a 4040 refurb, does anyone know where I can pick up the housing? Not sure if Olympus still do them. For that matter, does anyone know where I can pick up a refurb?

Just looking at the Canon range now - I hadn't realised that they had so many options available to be honest. I'll take a decent look tomorrow.


Having poked around, looks like my options currently look like this:

1) Canon A70 + housing - $460 for both online. Takes four batteries, so it doesn't die out after ten minutes and uses compactflash so it can go all the way up to 1G (at least the CF cards do, so hopefully the camera can).

2) Olympus c4000 + PT-010 - I didn't think this camera would take a housing, but looking at others on the board it appears to take the 10 - any confirmation of this from the board? Does anyone have any preferences c4000 vs the older 3040 or 4040?

Yes...the PT-010 fits the C-4000.

I don't have the comparison chart in front of me but the C-4040 was preferred over the C-4000 but I think it was just a matter of features, no that there was anything specific wrong with the C-4000.

If you buy a refurbed C-4040, I would buy it from the Olympus Store and make sure you get the factory warranty that should go with it.

As for where to buy the PT housing, Underwater Camera Pros has them in stock. Since they were released for sale in the US from Olympus, prices have been reported at $159 from B&H Photo and Adorama but their stock supplies have been spotty. So if you aren't in a hurry you might try them. If you need it by a certain date, pay the regular price and get it in a few days.
Dee, you're killing me here. You have not been impressed with the Sony underwater, where did I go wrong :).

Anyway Dave, do not dismiss the Sonys I have a DSC-P5 that I've been using for almost 2 years and have been very pleased with the quality and convience of this camera. Here's some examples from a trip to Bonaire.

Bonaire Pictures

This camera has similiar features and price as the two mentioned plus it's smaller and fits in a pants pocket out of the water. Try that with a 4040. YMMV.
Cecil once bubbled...
Dee, you're killing me here. You have not been impressed with the Sony underwater, where did I go wrong :).

Gee...I wish there was something you could do to change my mind! :wink:

When I compare photos from all three, Sony just always comes out 3rd. I don't think it's the photographers because I see the same thing consistantly. In comparison to the others... soft focus, pale colors most notably. However topside the Sony is great. Your sunset is amazing!
Sorry Cecil, not trying to gang up on you with Dee as part of the 'Olympus cult' but have to agree with Dee there :) . You're right about the Sony PXs being nice little cameras that can fit in your BC pocket but please don't say it has similar features as the Oly C series because it doesn't. If you want one that fits in your pocket then try the C40 or C50. They have features that are similar to their big brothers.

Ruu, also check out the Canon S45 and S50.

Just my 2 cents.
I'm curious about your comment that you will buy a better camera if you sign up for the Divemaster course.

I have not used my camera since I started the course. Far too much else to do when I've been divemastering. On the one weekend when I went diving for pleasure, I wanted to just relax and enjoy myself. Now that I am finished the course (hurrah!), I am going away diving for a week and will get the camera out again, but in general I think I'll have fewer oppotunities to use it.

I have a Sony camera, since that's what everyone else uses here... sounds like a stupid reason, but it is convenient being able to share chargers and other accessories. Plus I already had a Sony laptop with a Memory Stick slot. I like the size and shape of my P9, but I do think the Olympus C-series cameras have better lenses (bigger, brighter, sharper).


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