1. No such company exists (Although to be fair you may have a typo error in the spelling)A client has purchased a new cylinder made in China, make that I have not seen before.
Trying to unravel the markings and this is what I have established so far.
Would someone help decipher the missing bits.
Secondly I am uncertain of the match between ISO7866 and GB/T11640, any thoughts.
2. GB/T11640 is a purely Chinese in country standard and has absolutely no relation to GB Great Britain
somewhat akin to the Chinese using there own version of the CE mark that stands for China Export again total lies and misleading.
3. Weight wall and volume specified is about the same as the quality brands as you would expect from a Chinese copy product.
4. The 20 year life expectancy stamp is a cause of concern unless its a fibre wrap cylinder in which case the GB/T11640 is total BS
5. Also even if you accept the Chinese in country standard of GB 11640 standard and that's a big if the date of manufacture stamp March 2021
6. Now for the kicker GB/T11640 needs to have a date attached for example GB/T11640-2021 is the latest standard however the previous standard expired in March 2021
7. My suspicion is that the supplier duped this idiot by off loading a cylinder that was made to an already expired standard.
8. And for good measure even our American cousins who are notorious for accepting crap from China allowed a similar sounding company manufacturing DOT 3AL cylinders into USA until 20th June 2021
But I have a solution individuals importing cylinders from China need a good kicking in the head and after that being tied stark naked by rope by their crown jewels onto said cylinder while being filled for it's first fill and every other fill thereafter for the next 25 years. With the addition of a couple of dozen cave fills thrown in for good measure. Just a mild placid British point of view you understand.