I respect that, but I did leave my children with many wonderful people in foreign countries. recently, the Director at my son's school had some concerns about him taking the city bus. he said "does he know not to talk to strangers?" And I explained to him that he needs to talk to strangers because those are the people that will help him if he needs help. It is a different philosophy, for sure. My 13 year old flew to Japan by herself (met)and she is such a condident person for having handled herself, that I think she is less likely to be a victim. Sure, it could happen.
I was always more worried about them getting to a pool before they could swim than being abducted. Don't get me wrong, I think I was very vigilant, just about different things. I wanted to hear about the kidnappings Dan spoke of....that would really be disturbing. I always felt safer in parts of Mexico than NYC.
Like I said, I think you should pick the person, never put yourself in a position where they pick you. Thats my problem with agencies and lists at hotels.