Chest pain -- paranoid or cause for concern?

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San Diego, CA
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0 - 24
I know I can call DAN to discuss the following concern, but I like to hear other's opinions as well.

I was just certified on Saturday (24 March) after my final 2 open water dives. My brother came down to San Diego this morning and we did another 2 dives. The first dive was only 15ft max depth (VERY shallow kelp beds) for 42 minutes and the second dive was at 55ft max depth for 43 minutes. I know you're normally supposed to do your deepest dive first, but we felt as though diving in the depth of a swimming pool on our first dive shouldn't cause any real concern if we went deeper on the next dive.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened on the second dive. We followed a gradual slope, starting at 15ft and made our way down to 55ft, turned around and made our way slowly back up the slope to about 15-20ft where we milled about for a couple minutes. We considered that gradual return to 15-20ft our safety stop since it took about 10 minutes to actually complete. I then made a normal slow ascent to the surface and swam (a long way) back to shore.

We ended our last dive around 3:30pm PDT and I felt completely normal. No tingles, no aches, no dizziness, etc. After I got home and ate dinner, I took a nap (as I always do after diving for some reason) and found my chest/lungs hurt a little bit after I woke up. They only hurt when I inhale deeply -- something I've felt before while growing up in smog-heavy LA. Is this pain something I should be worried about or is it something I should expect on my first multi-day, multi-dive experience? We were breathing regular compressed air, no nitrox.

I appreciate any comments or advice you might have. I plan on calling DAN tomorrow morning if the pain hasn't gone away by that time.

how much do they hurt?

it could be you are not used to having to work your diaphragm as much ... air resistance is a factor at depth
Could be something completely unrelated to diving. Had a thorough physical lately?

yeah good thinking
I haven't had a thorough physical in about a year or so. I jog 3-5 miles almost every day in addition to some weight training, so I'd like to think I'm in decent shape. I already called DAN and the woman I spoke to mentioned something I failed to think about (stupid stupid STUPID beginner's mistake) -- the first thing most beginners do is take a camera down with them. When they start taking pictures, most hold their breath for several seconds while trying to get that perfect shot, not realizing they're holding their breath. She said holding your breath and ascending even a few feet can cause pulmonary barotrauma (sp?). I remember myself doing this a few times, so I wouldn't be surprised if I floated up a few feet while taking pics. Needless to say, no more cameras for me until I DRILL that primary rule into my head...
Is the pain equal on both sides of your chest?
We can not say anything without your age, your blood pressure, your past medical history, and current medications. History of smoking, family history of heart disease, and if you have high cholesterol.

It could be as simple as a pulled muscle, strained rib, or as complicated as angina and heart disease. Even marathon runners have had heart attacks.
(stupid stupid STUPID beginner's mistake)


we all make mistakes, at all levels ... it's how you learn

i am not a doctor, but i don't think i agree with the baurotrama diagnosis

is there a local doctor DAN can recommend for you to go visit?
Age: 26
Blood pressure: Normal every time I go to the doctor -- no idea what it is now
Past medical history: No history of lung or heart disorders, nothing other than broken bones from sports
Current medications: None
History of smoking: Never smoked
Family history of heart disease: None
High cholesterol: Nope

The pain is pretty much non-existent now when I'm in an upright position. Only when I'm lying down does it still hurt. The pain is centered right behind my sternum.
Who knows. This could be anything, including acid reflux/heartburn. But, despite the fact you appear to be extremely fit, and are very young, you've experienced a somewhat painful or discomfiting symptom following a new activity, and it hasn't yet resolved. Get yourself checked by a doc. Why take a chance?

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