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Oh no, not again!
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
# of dives
500 - 999
I can not log into chat, when I try I get a screen asking for user name and password, when I put in my scubaboard username and password it says incorrect password.

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong???

I am still not able to log into Chat see above
Odd, I can go straight in without being asked.

Were you mean to someone? Maybe you got banned.

I have a talent with computer related stuff! I can have problems that no one else can believe. Fish is very good on computer stuff and he can't work it out.
someone at the door
I have a talent with computer related stuff! I can have problems that no one else can believe. Fish is very good on computer stuff and he can't work it out.
someone at the door

I think that the chat is a flash based program. Possibly if you have a firewall or security settings on your computer that block flash programs, one could be causing the issue.
So, to summarize-

1. Toss your cookies.
2. Start flashing.

You have to admit this isn't your usual boring tech support session.
So, to summarize-

1. Toss your cookies.
2. Start flashing.

You have to admit this isn't your usual boring tech support session.

That's better than:

1. Start flashing
2. Toss your cookies.

We provide quality tech support here- we would never have someone perform the steps out of order.

For example- always have them disrobe BEFORE showing them how to turn on the web cam.

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