Changing Wetsuits Between Dives?

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Reaction score
Clearwater FL
# of dives
500 - 999
I am taking a trip to Florida at the beginning of March. The water should be about 75 degrees and we're doing 4 to 5 dives a day. Due to the temp and the number of dives, that works out to needing a 5mm. The problem is I have a 3 mil, 7 mil and drysuit and I would rarely use a 5mm. I was thinking about taking the 3 mil and the 7 mil, starting off in the 3 mil, doing a couple dives and then switch to the 7 mil for the last two. Anyone done this type of thing before?
Other than the PITA of shuffling weight around, it seems like a pretty good idea. I know I could handle 2 dives in 75 degrees in a 3mm, but you're right about 4 or 5 dives...that'll get cold.

Added benefit is the 7mm will be dry when you put it on. Weight and bulk of packing two suits are the only downsides I see.

Do you have a shorty? You could layer that over/under the 3mm. That's what I do. If you thought a shorty would be more useful long-term than a 5mm, you could pick one up for the trip and save some hassle.
5 dives a day? You're a warrior, Im jealous.
5 dives a day? You're a warrior, Im jealous.

......doing so many dives during the day for several days in a row. I have done 4 dives during the day but never so many days in a row. I am sure a lot of people have done this kind of diving on a dive trip. Gotta get your money's worth :wink:
For the price of the trip I'd spend the $200+- and get the 5mm and probably bring a hooded vest for that much diving.

Pete stole my thunder.

I would consider getting a 5 mil and remember you could layer it with the 3 mil in colder water. Or as a northerner, you should be fine in the 75 degree water with a shortie :) . Seriously a hood will definately help, and you may even find that the 3 mil with the hood will be enough. I have taken one trip like the one you describe, and it does make you realize how out of shape you are by the end of the trip!
Pete stole my thunder.

I would consider getting a 5 mil and remember you could layer it with the 3 mil in colder water. Or as a northerner, you should be fine in the 75 degree water with a shortie :) . Seriously a hood will definately help, and you may even find that the 3 mil with the hood will be enough. I have taken one trip like the one you describe, and it does make you realize how out of shape you are by the end of the trip!

I may do the 3 mil shortie over my current 3 mil. You're right, I may roast in the 7 mil considering I use it for multiple dives in 60 degree water here. My problem with buying the 5 mil is I probably will seldom use it. The 3 mil might be best and I have a hood that I was going to take as well. The only reason I have a 3 mil is because of a cruise I took a couple years ago, though I do use it at the zoo when I clean the tanks.
Seriously a hood will definately help,........
Or even just a less claustrophic beanie. I find a 3/2 fullsuit and beanie warmer than my 5mm fullsuit and bareheaded.

Once I get that deep chill from having too little exposure protection, I find it takes a few hours to thoroughly warm up again. I'd start off with the thick suit, whether 5mm or 7mm. Be sure to at least partially strip off the suit, dry off, and cover up during the SI. Overheating shouldn't be a problem, since you can alway unzip a bit, or just pull on the neck seal, and cool off during the dive.
Doing that many dives a day, once you start losing body heat you won't be able to regain it. Start out with whatever is going to keep you warm.

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