I really have always hated questions like this. That is because it is not a we against them. Its not we the 90% of divers who are ok to dive solo wanting the boats to change thier views. It is just a few % of the divers that want this. I worded it that way because out of 100% of divers perhaps 1 percent is solo qualled. although 50% may want attitudes changed they are not qulalled to solo to begin with. With that statement I would like to say that I dont believe to be functionally qualled you need to have a card. I am refering to the small amount that have the skills to do it,,, or with card or not can still do these skills in the environment they want to solo in. It is my opinion that there are not many solo orientated divers out there. It appears that on SB there are a lot but I dont believe we have the majority of divers on SB or if we do that they are more than read only web surfers. We can look at preticular sites that are a high draw for solo diving like photo disneyland's that exist. Once again the divers that go there to get great photo's are not the same statistical mix of divers that hold cards in general. What I do believe we have is a large group of divers, think they can do it , and if they think they can, then they can. That reasoning does not make a fair foundation to say go and do it. However a NON solo carded person with an adaquate tech card should not raise a red flag. At least it would not with me. I can hear it.... hey boat owner can i dive solo,,, NO,,,,, well I have a rebreather card and a tech gagillion card, NO and you cant have nitrox either cause you only have a trimix card.. Some may laugh but I have been denied nitrox for that reason and nearly had my tank refused cause of fear that it might have He in the remaining 300#.
So from those aspects I would not be in favor of boats changing thier solo policies. To be fair however,,, I can see a change in attitude needed for the boats to allow solo on a solo trip. You dont set perceived bad examples for non solo divers, As it stands now no solo on boats really works fine. We have all been working around this obstruction for a long time. A couple of solo divers enter the water and reboard together. the boat is happy, the divers are happy, and as far as anyone else is concerned no one knows they are solo cause they are soloing it with others in the water. I have always liked the attitude of a boat being a taxi and not the scuba police. Not every world is perfect.