Codyjp:humm. good question. i believe the sundiver but i will double check with that. it would be bad if i was on the wrong boat. so does that mean i will be on your boat? i promise to try my best to not look like a beginner! (i suddenly feel like one of my student pilots! as a flight instructor it is so funny to be the newbie)
Are you and your buddy on the Sundiver or the Sundiver II? Since you're a new diver and since the Sundiver II is not well-known yet, I want to make sure you get to the correct boat!! (And maybe I want to know if a newbie is on our boat!)
Codyjp, Kelphelper doesn't mind if newbies are on the boat. She hasn't been diving long enough to have forgotten the butterfly in stomach feeling, yet. She has lots of experience, and like most of us, loves to help newer divers become more comfy with the sport.

BTW, I am on the Pacific Star and REALLY need a ride from OC to the boat and possibly back (still hoping someone can't make the din din so I can buy their spot. :blinking: ) I waited wayyyyy too long (obviously) to get both a boat spot and din din tix. I wanted to make sure I would be having a good day, before I spend that kind of moola, ya'll know?