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The job of mod in a forum such as this is thankless and difficult. I hold no envy for their position, responsibility or wielded power. Nobody will be happy with what they do, or don't do....no matter how they do or don't do it.

There is no question that they have a difficult job, and yet...there are some decisions that one has to sit back and wonder what in the world drives them. There have been two threads about dissatisfaction from clients of a certain vocal dive op in here that were not only closed, but deleted altogether. Objective reviews deleted completely simply because the object of the review is a member here? How can that be? Other dive ops who are reviewed with less than praise are not censored. Threads are also moved or closed because they offend one of a few select people and shockingly...it is often that same dive op owner involved in the argument. I understand that there is a financial side to a forum like this, but it should be at least somewhat objective, I believe.

I suspect there is a friendship or two that influences at least some of the more questionable closings/deletions/thread moves and while I find that distasteful, I also understand that it is a function of the human condition. We are all influenced by those who we call friends, who often enough are using us a puppets for their own gain. It is only human...and happens in life as well as in this forum. There is no way around it really...but if you look to get a point across and it keeps being deleted....fret not dear friend, for there will be another topic shortly in which you can once again voice your point. It may be deleted/closed as well...but again, do not despair....it will come up again shortly. Rinse, Repeat....and never hold your breath.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Thread moved to site support.

Yes, it does seem that certain posters seem to attract a preponderance of our attention. It seems that they crave attention.
Some prefer to skirt the ToS in order to elicit a response. Call it trolling, going off topic or whatever you want. They simply love the drama.
Some love to instigate or be a part of a mob or dog pile. They are also looking to elicit a response such as a user meltdown. They think it's fun.
These are certainly not in the spirit of the ToS.

Disagree all you want, but try to keep things civil. When they stop being civil, you can expect moderation.

I hope this answers your questions and concerns.
I was sorry to see it locked as well. The chest pounding and testosterone overload was amusing.

I had a couple of hand grenades all locked and loaded to throw into that mess and then it got closed and all our fun got taken away from us... =(
I had a couple of hand grenades all locked and loaded to throw into that mess

And I thought that JeffG was the only one that tossed grenades...
I suspect that part of the answer lies in the fact that a lot of their posts ignore the concept of "topic" and thus get moved to the Pub, or to Whine and Cheese, much as I suspect this one will, in time, since it has nothing whatsoever to do with Cozumel.
That's putting it very nicely.
hmmm... someone edited their post. big time. :popcorn:

Oh, come on now. Surely people should have the right to keep open minds and form new opinions?

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