Reg Braithwaite
IF you can take Fundies before you go, I'd highly recommend it -- especially if you take it in doubles -- since then it would be easy to do Cavern in doubles. I'm convinced that if you are sure you want to go on, it makes sense to do Cavern in doubles -- AS LONG AS YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH THEM -- because it is then a seamless transition to Intro/Full cave. As I've stated before, do all the "non-overhead work" BEFORE you take Cavern -- so you can spend your time on the overhead work rather than "the fundamentals" which too often take up the bulk of Cavern.
Upon reflection (and under the influence of Turkey), I am not going to do Cavern on this trip. Nobody offers a Fundies/Ice-Diver combo course up here, so fundies must wait. Also, I have zero interest in diving doubles this season, and caves... well... they are just going to have to wait a while. The game up here in Ontario is wreck diving.
I think I will do some guided dives to whet my appetite and look into doing IANTD Recreational Trimix or NAUI Recreational Helitrox (26/17) while I am down there. Yeah, I know, lots to discuss about those courses, we had a good thread on the subject in the Technical Diving forum.