CBS 2 Shark Finning Story

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Ann Marie

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May 4, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

Earlier this evening I was working on my computer and watching my local news on KCBS Channel 2 at 5PM . One of the stories caused me to stop what I was doing to intently listen.

You see, I’m a SCUBA Instructor and I care about the health of our oceans. I would like future generations to see the beautiful, graceful, and amazing animals that I love; sharks.

One of your anchors, Paul Magers relayed a story about shark fining and how this terrible practice is threatening the health of our oceans by eliminating sharks. During fining these so-called fishermen catch the shark, cut the fins off and throw the shark back into the water, retaining only the fins. There is a small movement in China trying to eliminate shark fining by using a substitute for the fin in Shark Fin Soup. They are trying to convince the Chinese that it is more important to be environmentally responsible instead of being fashionable.

After the story, the two news anchors, Paul Megors and Sharon Tay were chatting and Sharon said that shark fin soup tasted good, like Egg Drop Soup! Did she not listen to the story???? If it truly does taste like Egg Drop Soup, why not have that instead; save a little money and be environmentally responsible at the same time!!??

There are an amazing amount of choices I have in staying connected to what’s happening in the world. In the future I will not be supporting your station and watching your news programs.

I’m sure that this seems like such a little thing to cause me to stop watching your channel but really, it’s not. Shark specialists estimate that 100 million sharks are killed for their fins, ANNUALLY! This is an unsustainable fishery. The massive quantity of sharks harvested and lack of selection deplete shark populations faster than their reproductive abilities can replenish populations. This threatens the stability of the marine ecosystem.

I am going to forward this letter to all my friends, different newsgroups and Internet forums that I belong to and encourage my peers to also boycott your news station.
Ann Marie, I applaud your stance on this disheartening issue.It's too bad that people are so selfish and ignorant.I hope that people wake up before it is too late and we end up killing off yet another species from our planet.
Good going AnnMarie! I hope you don't mind that I sent the following to them on their feedback line after reading your post. I'd encourage other SB members to do the same. It may get some action if people from all over the world respond to this. My comments:

To whom it may concern. A story you reported on shark finning was brought to the attention of the members of a message board of which I am a member. As a scuba instructor the health of our oceans and the population of animals in them is of great concern to me. The story was on shark finning and was reported by Paul Magers. The issue I have is with a follow up comment by one of your anchors Sharon Tay. I realize by reading her bio that she is from Singapore originally but this in no way excuses the fact that this is a barbaric, cruel, and disgusting practice. For her to actaully admit to eating it is bad enough, but to trivialize it by saying it tastes like egg drop soup is beyond comprehension. I would hope that she would publicly apologize for these remarks. Culture and tradition is no excuse for seemingly condoning this barbaric practice. She should be ashamed. Thank You for your attention. James Lapenta, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Thanks Jim! Congrats on becoming an Instructor!!! Great letter too!!

It's funny but as I was yelling at the television, "It tastes like egg drop soup!" My husband said, "Don't yell, I like hot and sour soup." :)

For anyone else that would like to express their opinion to CBS2, here's a link. Unfortunately, you are responding on hearsay I can't find a video clip of it.
For those of us semi internet challenged do you have a link for us to send our protests to?
I heard of this story on another SCUBA related "board" Ann Marie and I are on. It is truly a sad story for me. Sad because of the flip remark Sharon Tay made... and sad because I've always adored her, and the fact that she is/was a diver.

Now I'm going to have to find another news co-anchor to admire? Does one exist? Also send a little note to CBS. Good thing I mostly watch NBC, ABC and PBS.
Okay I sent my note:

I've heard from a fellow SCUBA diver that CBS news broadcast co-anchored by Sharon Tay had a story about shark finning and shark fin soup. I did not actually see the broadcast, but heard that Miss Tay (who I've admired for years) made a comment about how good sharkfin soup is. While this may be true, and I recognize her cultural background is Asian, the comment seems to be a very poor choice in view of the seriousness of the story.

I am a marine biologist and have been diving southern California waters since the late 1960's when I moved to Catalina Island. I have seen first-hand how overfishing of shark species has decimated the once common blues, makos and other sharks in our region. Given what we scientists are now learning about the ramifications of shark overfishing, this practice can have serious consequences that ripple throughout the ecosystem.

I recognize that not all of the tens of millions of sharks taken each year are finned and used for soup. Many are caught as by-catch in commercial fish and invertebrate fisheries that serve western markets. No cultural or ethnic group is free of guilt in this tragedy. If you eat wild shrimp or many net, longline or trawl-caught fish species, you are also to blame for this ecological travesty.

I have been a marine biologist studying our kelp forests for nearly 40 years. Today it almost always requires chumming in open ocean waters to draw just a few blues or makos in for filming. In decades past I used to count dozens of sharks just from the boat heading to my dive sites.

I was one of the experts interviewed by KNX radio the morning of the fatal shark attack off Solano Beach. I do applaud CBS for running a story showing the impacts of shark finning. I just wish Miss Tay had been more thoughtful in making her comment. I understand she is a SCUBA diver, and feel she should have been more understanding of the issue.

Dr. Bill Bushing
Santa Catalina Island
For those of us semi internet challenged do you have a link for us to send our protests to?

Thanks Ann Marie! - Contact Us

Here a copy of my message to them.

Sharon Tay’s flippant remark about shark fin soup shows just how little she regards the sharks in the story she just read. She should apologize and the station should do a follow-up story depicting the despicable practice of shark fining.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I also sent some comments.
Thanks for the link! Scathing message sent.

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