Cayos Cochinos

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Anyone been there? Looking for info, anything will help. I have dove off Cayos Cochinos from Roatan but never been to the islands.
Anyone been there? Looking for info, anything will help. I have dove off Cayos Cochinos from Roatan but never been to the islands.

Hmm, no replies.

Do a search here, there's lots of info previously posted.

The hardest part about Cayos is the getting there. Your visit, probably done while staying on Roatan, involved a 35 mile trip to dive their sea mounts.

Getting off of an airplane from the US and then getting there is fair drudgery, but y'all had better go before progress catches up and changes these small islets of the Bay Islands forever. It is like Roatan was 40 years ago.

Probably no big hurry in that regard, but then again, we're not getting any younger, either.

Pack your sense of adventure (and humor) and go!
I dived there from a 56' sailboat on my first liveaboard trip several years ago. The good parts were the seclusion and remoteness and almost total lack of other humans. A few Garifuna fishermen came by to sell us lobster, we were boarded by a coast guard vessel to check papers, and other than that we saw no one for 5 days.

We thought the diving was great at the time, but it was probably pretty tame in retrospect. Some nice walls, a few smallish grouper, some octopus, and the usual reef fish.

We never made it to the sea mounts, which have the best diving apparently.
Check out the new Utila Aggressor! The boat will base in Utila, dive the best sites there, some unexplored sea mounts, then go to Cayos Cochinos sea mounts, east end Roatan, and Guanaja- all the best of the Bay Islands and all the hard to get to places!!

Check out and go to Utila under Destinations for more info!

Sunny Regards!
Check out the new Utila Aggressor! The boat will base in Utila, dive the best sites there, some unexplored sea mounts, then go to Cayos Cochinos sea mounts, east end Roatan, and Guanaja- all the best of the Bay Islands and all the hard to get to places!!

Check out and go to Utila under Destinations for more info!

Sunny Regards!

At $1800 (going to $2000 in 2007) there had better be some unexplored sea mounts.

How'd the DM training go for you on Utila, SOG? Get a job?
At $1800 (going to $2000 in 2007) there had better be some unexplored sea mounts.

How'd the DM training go for you on Utila, SOG? Get a job?

Yes, thanks Roatan Man. I did my DM course 2 yrs ago here, Instructors course not too long after and have since worked as both DM and Instructor, and eventually manger of Laguna Beach Resort. Now I'm managing this new Aggressor boat. I guess you could say I got a job, huh?

As far as unexplored sea mounts and new sites goes, yes, we've been doing lots of exploring and have found some wonderful new spots! Very exciting stuff! As far as Aggressors go, this will be a pretty good deal for a week of liveaboard diving!

Sunny Regards,
Yes, thanks Roatan Man. I did my DM course 2 yrs ago here, Instructors course not too long after and have since worked as both DM and Instructor, and eventually manger of Laguna Beach Resort. Now I'm managing this new Aggressor boat. I guess you could say I got a job, huh?

What does "the manager" do? Yikes, sounds like maybe the toughest job in the industry!

So, okay then, what about Cayos Cochinos, the point of this thread?

And by the way- glad it worked out!
I took a day trip to Cayos Cochinos a couple of years ago while staying at Laguna Beach Resort. Didn't see much of the island but what I did looked nice. The diving was really nice.

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